#Laikipia Forum News Updates

October Edition 2019
Government of Kenya Budget for Wildlife and Wildlife Areas in Kenya
Here’s the opening statement from the GOK Mid-Term report on the wildlife sub-sector report released earlier this month………..

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Get To Know Your WRUAs
Ngusishi Water Resources Users Association
Ngusishi WRUA has continuously demonstrated the viability of the WRUA concept, with financial, institutional, environmental and technological sustainability.
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Laikipia County on Track to Develop its Water Masterplan
The Laikipia County Water CEC, Njenga Kahiro, has initiated a small team of water sector experts to enrich the county water masterplan and submit to the County for adoption by December of this year.

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Double Win for Community and Wildlife as
Loontana Spring Protection nears Completion
Ms. Julia Moiyare, a member of Nadung’oro community in Loontana village barely hid her joy as she fetched water for the first time from the just constructed water tank at Nadung’oro, Sieku location.
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Mapping of Invasive Species in Laikipia and Samburu Counties
LWF is working with NRT and conservancies with support from the Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), and the World Agroforestry Center to map the current extent of Opuntia stricta and Acacia reficiens in conservancies of Laikipia and Samburu Counties.
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Laikipia County Shines Yet Again at the 14th Edition of the Eco Warrior Awards
Over the last four years Laikipia County has continued to demonstrate its exemplary contribution to ecotourism, not only in the County, but in the country at large.
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