Laikipia Forum News Updates

October Edition 2020
Celebrating the Nanyuki Business Community
The Kenya National Chambers for Commerce and Industry, Laikipia Chapter, is marking 100 years of Nanyuki as a township by bringing on board all stakeholders and members to a networking gala breakfast which will run parallel with Laikipia Business Awards to recognize and award the most exemplary businesses and individuals.

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Strengthening Resilience

The Maji Chap Chap Loan By EMU-SACCO

Environmental shocks such as droughts and flooding can cause problems for any community. But communities whose livelihoods depend on scarce resources and are poor are particularly vulnerable.

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People Beyond Poaching
‘The People Beyond the Poaching’ is a 32-page report on the illegal trade in wildlife-based on interviews with 73 convicted offenders in South Africa. The producer of the report—and this 9:22 film—is TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network.

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Black is Beautiful at Laikipia, Kenya
It has taken 20 years of relentless work by stakeholders to pull the black rhino back from the brink in Africa with their numbers having doubled from a historic low 20 years ago to 5455 in 2018 (WWF, 2019). Yet, the black rhino continues to be critically endangered, and to bring the numbers up to even a fraction of its earlier population estimates would be a bigger feat.

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Combating Human-Elephant Conflict in Mukogodo Forest
The Wildlife Conservation Society/Disney Foundation has been supporting ILMAMUSI CFA through the Laikipia Wildlife Forum for the last 3 years to reduce human elephant conflict within and around Mukogodo Forest.

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Electronic Tagging of Livestock in Laikipia County
The Laikipia County Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, in partnership with the Kenya Directorate of Veterinary Services, and the World Vision – Imara Program, has embarked on a livestock identification and traceability system programme in the County.

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Rehabilitation of Nanyuki and Likii Rivers For a Greener Future
The importance of planting trees was reiterated throughout the event as trees would prevent erosion and help prevent pollution. Trees also bring about clean and fresh air and would help in stabilizing the river banks.

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