#Laikipia #Wildlife Forum Focus Issue 16


Issue: 16
Bring Black Back
A Charity Ball for Laikipia’s Black Rhino Renaissance
The “Bring Black Back” charity ball represents a unique opportunity to dance ballroom with a Strictly Come Dancing professional, while learning of and supporting the Laikipia vision to develop rhino conservation as a landscape management tool.
Photo Credit: Gabriel Johannes Huber (Picture taken at Ol Pejeta Conservancy)

Dear ATC Readers,

The Laikipia Wildlife Forum, together with Dance Savoir Faire, and Dancesport Kenya are offering a ball and safari weekend that combines a unique dance opportunity with support for rhino conservation in the Laikipia landscape. The ball is set to take place on the 28th of October at Kongoni Camp.

Given present conservation efforts, private rhino conservancies spend between 30 – 40,000 US dollars per/acre per year for rhino conservation. The “Bring Black Back” charity ball represents a unique opportunity to dance ballroom with a Strictly Come Dancing professional, while learning of and supporting the Laikipia vision to develop rhino conservation as a landscape management tool.

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The Great Northern Kenya Wildlife Count 2017
Kenya will get another boost in its efforts to conserve wildlife when KWS leads a total count of elephants, buffaloes, Grevy’s Zebras and Reticulated Giraffe in the greater northern landscape of Kenya. This year’s count will focus on these four charismatic and endangered species in an effort to establish their total numbers

From November 19th to 30th, approximately 15 aircraft, with pilots and observers will systematically survey Laikipia, Samburu, Isiolo, Marsabit and Meru counties from the air. The collated information will then be compared to past aerial survey counts of wildlife.

The Endangered Grevy’s Zebra at Mpala Research Centre
USAID is providing funding support through a grant to KWS, and many organisations, companies and individuals are volunteering their time and expertise to make this year’s count a success.
3eda28a3-826f-4213-8400-7ca115751f1f.jpgCessnas used during the 2016 Aerial Count

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This initiative is proudly supported by:
Mpala Research Centre, LWF, Space for Giants, KWS, USAID, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, NRT, Ewaso Lions, Marwell Trust, Lion Landscapes, San Diego Zoo, Grevy Zebra Trust, Action for Cheetahs in Kenya (ACK), Save the Elephants, Samburu Trust
Rethink What You Know About Women’s Conservation Groups
Women groups in Laikipia have played a significant role in community development and conservation of our natural resources. Blessed Women’s Group from Matanya is one such group that continues to empower surrounding communities, and commendably churning out smart water farmers. These women have seen how water can be a cause of conflict and strife and are on a mission to ensure that their farming practices do not hinder water conservation efforts. They are part of the Laikipia Irrigation Acceleration Platform (IAP) of which the Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership is the secretariat.

The Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership (MKEWP) is supported by an LWF secretariat.

20 members of Blessed Womens Group, and James Mwangi from MKEWP at the Kisima Field Day held earlier this month
Halima Mohammed, Secretary of Blessed Women’s Group, together with 20 other members were recently supported by MKEWP to attend the September edition of Kisima Farm’s field day. We caught up with them to find out more about their activities, and how similar platforms have played a key role in actualizing their water conservation efforts.
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The Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign Needs Your Help
In Laikipia, we know that there are significant numbers of undocumented rabies cases in domestic animals, wildlife and humans annually. When faced with such statistics we must ask ourselves – can the strategy of making Laikipia Kenya’s first rabies free county really work? The answer is a resounding YES, but only if Laikipians as well as County Government can work together to eradicate this deadly virus.

If we take informed steps, we can significantly minimise exposure to rabies and accomplish Kenya’s 2030 vision of being an entirely rabies free nation. We will however not be able to reach this goal without your help.

A local community member after vaccinating her puppies during the 2016 LRVC
The Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign (LRVC) begun in 2015 by the Mpala Research Centre in order to provide real-time health benefits for these vulnerable communities, as well as domestic animals and wildlife. Last year’s campaign saw over 4, 000 dogs vaccinated as a result of support from various partners that included Bruce Ludwig, Laikipia Wildlife Forum, the County Government of Laikipia, and Ol Pejeta Conservancy among others.

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CIDP County Engagement Begins This Month
Meet the CIDP Team (from left to right): Margaret Wambua, Stanley Ngatia and Peter Hetz from LWF; Gabriel Nyausi from NRT, John Gitonga from Mpala, Hussein Wario, FAO, and Omar Jibril, National ASAL Stakeholder Coordinator. Absent from the photo is AHADI representative, Lucy Kimani.

On August 25th, the Steering Committee Members of the 5-County CIDP Improvement effort mapped out the next four to five months of engagement with the County Governments of Marsabit, Isiolo, Laikipia, Samburu and Baringo.

The effort is led by LWF, with the help of the FAO Community Land Project, the Mpala Research Centre, the Northern Rangelands Trust, the National Arid and Semi-arid Lands Stakeholder Forum/NDMA, and the Agile and Harmonized Assistance for Devolved Institutions (AHADI).

This Consortium will focus on improvements to CIDPs for rangelands, livestock, water, land use, and wildlife. We are providing key information accumulated from partners, research, and communities to ensure it informs the next generation of CIDP decision-making and financing.

Full CIDP teams will be dispatched to Counties in September, to help with the planning and budgeting process.

Please find an updated CDIP and County Annual Development Plan calendar explained here.

For further information about this, or if you have suggestions on what should be included in the CIDPs, please contact Stanley Ngatia on stanley.ngatia.

Remember: Stay Engaged! Get Informed!

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The Mount Kenya Water Partnership

Be Engaged! Stay Involved! Join the conversation by following the Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership (@MKEWP) on
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In Case You Missed It !
African Wildlife Poisoning Database

b4a983c2-47c1-4660-b599-ca46c4c0daa4.jpgThere is now an African Wildlife Poisoning Database www.africanwildlifepoisoning.org that is now online. The aim of the database is to provide a central repository for all records of wildlife poisoning across the continent and to allow basic access by registered users. The Peregrine Fund are seeking input from anyone who has knowledge of a recent (or historical) poisoning incident, however big or small, and involving any wildlife species.

The database contributes to gathering better information on wildlife poisoning incidents, as well as on the drivers of wildlife poisoning. It currently contains 272 poisoning incidents that have killed over 8,000 animals of 40 different species, from 15 countries.

For more information please contact:
Darcy Ogada

Assistant Director of Africa Programs
P.O. Box 1629-00606



Talkenomics: Water resources management & economics in Mt. Kenya- EWASO
Watch Stanley Kirimi, MKEWP’s Coordinator who appeared on KTN and K24 as he talks about the work MKEWP is carrying out; the importance of Catchment Areas, Conservation and Management as well as Membership into MKEWP

Stay up to date by subscribing to the MKEWP Youtube Channel

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Nanyuki 10400 Kenya
