Laikipia Wildlife Forum News Updates

July Edition 2020
Covid Continues To Take A Bite Out Of Tourism
We are not doing well in the Laikipia landscape when it comes to tourism. The drop-off in revenue supporting lodges, tented camps, hotels, and eateries is close to 90% across the board.

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EMU SACCO Board Learns To Do It Better
Leadership is not about titles, status, and wielding power. A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people and ideas, and has the courage to develop that potential.

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Loiragai Spring – Life Support System
How much does water figure in Human Elephant Conflict in Laikipia? Based on the evidence, a lot of conflict with elephants and people occurs around water sources.

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Insurance Scheme Proposed for Human
Wildlife Conflict Crisis
The recently-released, three-part report on Human Wildlife Conflict and compensation is out. You can read your own personal copy here.

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Championing PRACTICAL Environmental Conservation
“We cannot purport to know the extent of pollution and environmental degradation while we continue to sit in boardrooms.”
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Partnerships For Sustainable Conservation Mukogodo Forest
Ilmamusi Forest Association is a membership organization bringing together the local Maasai community living adjacent to Mukogodo Forest. Since its inception in 2008, the Community Forest Association has depended on group ranch registers of residents from Ilngwesi, Makurian, Kurikuri and Lekurruki to define its membership.

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