(Posted 03rd February 2022)
January Edition 2022![]() WATER Early Warning! Likii Low River Flows Already Detected Likii River has the potential to adequately supply its users only when the users strictly follow the rules issued during the dry season: NO abstraction for irrigation purposes is allowed. Article continues here Emu Sacco Supports Koinonia Education Center to Harvest Rain Water Through Emu Sacco the institution was able to secure a 5000m3 water lagoon. Rainwater is collected from a 600m2 pitched roof catchment area and harvested through gutters into the water lagoon. The roof catchment area is set to increase with the additional facilities being built in the institution. Article continues here Timau WRUA Launches New Office With the new office in place, the WRUA is better placed to ensure service delivery to the people of the Timau sub-catchment. Given the physical security of an office, the WRUA expects to offer better water management, control of illegal abstraction, and improved riparian health. Article continues here BECOME A MEMBER OF MKEWP TODAY ![]() TOURISM Il Ngwesi Lodge A Masterclass on Making Community-led Tourism Work The most popular room is room number one, popularly dubbed the Prince William room (where the royal couple stayed). It is the most private location on the lodge; this makes it a good choice for couples on vacation and honeymoons. Article continues here Surviving the Pandemic As narrated by John King’ori, Ekorian’s Mugie Camp At the onset of Covid in 2020, Ekorian’s Mugie Camp went through a four months of total closure. This meant loss of business and consequently loss of income through cancellations. We appreciate the few that chose to postpone their safari. Article continues here BECOME A MEMBER OF LAIKIPIA TOURISM ASSOCIATION TODAY ![]() RANGELANDS Is It Working? An update on rangeland rehabilitation micro catchments A few months ago, the Lekurruki and Il Ngwesi community conservancy members embarked on a land restoration exercise to restore vegetation on seriously eroded and degraded rangelands………………. Article continues here Mukogodo Participatory Forest Management Plan Review Process Begins The Participatory Forest Management Plan (PFMP) for Mukogodo National Forest Reserve expired in 2018. A new PFMP is required as the basis for a 5 – year Management Agreement between the ILMAMUSI CFA with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS). Article continues here ![]() CONSERVATION EDUCATION Proposed Forest Amendment Bill Retrogressive Such an amendment would reverse the gains made over the past 15 years in restoring of public forests and water catchment areas, compromise the protection of these forests and thus deny Kenyans access to these forest goods and services which are critical to their survival. Article continues here Laikipia County Climate Change Fund Drafting the Regulations The County has been keen to develop the legislative and administrative framework that would enable it to address climate change issues in the County. Article continues here ![]() WILDLIFE Rare elephant twins born in Kenyan national park for first time in more than a decade Twin baby elephants have been born this week in a rare event at a national reserve in northern Kenya.They are only the second set of twin calves ever to have been encountered by local conservation charity Save the Elephants. Article continues here BECOME A MEMBER OF THE LAIKIPIA FORUM TODAY |