Laikipia Wildlife News


ISSUE # .16
Dear ATC Readers,
The Elephant Man Does It Again
Jim Justus Nyamu presents H.E. Margaret Kenyatta with a gift before his walk
When Jim Justus Nyamu, a-k-a the “Elephant Man”, walked into the LWF offices over 5 years ago claiming that he had grand plans to walk from Nairobi to Marsabit in support of Elephant conservation, intrigue quickly merged with some scepticism. But LWF’s membership believed in this ambitious cause from the very beginning, and has been supporting Jim with both financial and in-kind donations ever since.

To date, the “Ivory Belongs to Elephants Walk Campaign” has received enormous support from the Kenyan Government, foreign governments represented in Kenya such as Ireland and the US, County Governments, big corporations as well as wildlife and environmental Ministries. First Lady, H.E Mrs. Margaret Kenyatta has also supported the cause.
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Important Updates From MKEWP

BWRUA Holds Successful Elections
We would like to congratulate Burguret Water Resource Users Association (BWRUA) who recently successfully conducted their elections. Mr. Stephen Mbau has been elected chairman, saying that he looks forward to spearheading the following objectives:
1. Promoting legal water abstractions.
2. Creating a forum for conflict resolution.
3. Promoting dialogue between water users and the government.
Burguret River Sub-Catchment covers 210 square kilometres and serves over 25, 000 people, from Rongai to Naromoru Sub-Catchments.

A Powerful New Partnership Is Born
MKEWP has entered into a new partnership with Wetlands International (WI).The objective is to support local WRUAs in protecting water resources within the upper Ewaso Ng’iro North Catchment Area and provide capacity building to effectively manage their activities as well as understand their role as stipulated in the new Water Act (2016).

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We don’t have To Live In Antarctica To Be Rabies Free
Dedan Ngatia (green shirt) from Mpala Research Centre welcomes Sanaipei (in the red t-shirt) and her dog Poppy to the LRVC
You can see the zeal in her eyes as she lures her dog towards us. Sanaipei had learnt that 40% of people bitten by rabid animals are children under 15 years of age, with domestic dogs contributing to 99% of all rabies transmissions to humans. This is all thanks to the Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign (LRVC). Sanaipei wants to make her home safe for her children and ensure that they too get enough information to make the right decisions when dealing with a dog bite.

With the exception of Antarctica, rabies cases are still being reported in countries all over the world – mostly those in developing nations. The Laikipia Rabies Vaccination Campaign started in 2015 with the aim of providing real-time health benefits for people, domestic animals and wildlife. The long term goal is to make Laikipia Kenya’s first rabies-free County.

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Cutting Across Generations

Just how different is the opinion about Rhino conservation between an elder and young lady living in Il Ingwesi community? LWF recently met Mzee Lesaila Kirobi (MLK) and Fiona Saman, a recent high school graduate to find out….
LWF: What does Rhino conservation mean to you Mzee Kirobi?
MLK: I have lived in this community for over 60 years and so I have been able to see the changes that have happened here…. some good and some not so good. When I was a young boy I had no idea what conservation was. We lived with our wild animals because that is how my father and his father before that lived. Then things started to change and it took me some time before I understood why this foreign term – this Rhino conservation – …..

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Do You Have What It Takes?
Calling On Pilots And Observers For This Year’s Aerial Survey

KWS and Partners are planning an aerial survey of the Great Ewaso Ng’iro ecosystem that lies in Kenya’s Mountain Region. They are seeking the support of volunteer pilots and observers to participate in this very important activity. Pilots and observers will be trained, fed, given overnight accommodation, and all participating aircraft will be fuelled. Training will be mandatory for both pilots and observers.

This year’s total count, generously funded by USAID – Kenya, will be focussing on elephants, buffaloes, Grevy’s Zebras, and giraffes. Numbers and location of cattle, shoats, bomas and settlements will be noted. The greater Meru National Park area will also be included in the count.

Dates: 19 – 30 November 2017
Survey area: Laikipia – Samburu – Marasbit – Meru

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In case you missed it;
Change Of Date: Camel Caravan

Due to unavoidable circumstances, the Ewaso Ng’iro Camel Caravan will now be taking place from 11th to 16th September 2017.

A number of registered volunteers and partners shall join the 5-day walk that aims at sensitising river users on the need to conserve the Ewaso Ng’iro River. The Caravan will kick off from Ilmotiok Community, Laikipia County, and will journey downstream to end at Archers Post, Samburu County.

IMPACT, the organisation driving this initiative, invites all interested stakeholders to assist with funding or contribute in any way they can. Broad support and participation will ensure the success of this initiative.

This worthwhile cause needs your participation and help. Please contact the organisers for further information:
Joseph Lejeson Olendira: olendira
Olekaunga Johnson: olekaunga /impactkenya2002
0722663090, or 0726766447.

You can also download more information about the event here.