#LaikipiaForum News Updates

March Edition 2020
The Covid-19 Virus is upon us. It does not mean the end of our work,
or the end of our world.

We are working with Laikipia County Government and our partners to keep you up-to-date on the latest information on the Virus.

Stay tuned for news on C-19 Virus prevention, care, and caring!
If you have questions or comments on the virus or its impacts, please share by return mail to
We’ll make sure they get to the right authorities.

New Large Mammal for the Laikipia Plateau
On 14 January 2020, I photographed two adult male desert warthogs on the western boundary of Suyian Ranch, central north Laikipia County.

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The Financial Future of Water Resource User Associations


On the 6th March 2020, MKEWP held a stakeholders’ meeting in Nairobi to get their unified endorsement of a tool that the Partnership has been developing and promoting for the last two years – the WRUA Service Agreement.
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Sharing Knowledge and Experience

Mutara and Suguroi WRUAs Visit a “Best Practice”

Mutara and Suguroi WRUAs both drain into the Mutara Conservation Area in Laikipia County. They share challenges including water scarcity, financial sustainability, and water use conflicts between upstream and downstream users, riparian degradation, and lack of adequate community support.
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Community Land Titling

What Does It Mean for Laikipia?

Over 60% of Kenya’s land mass is community land. Most of this land falls within the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. The 1968 Act legalized the ownership and occupation of land by a group of people, and provided the legal basis for the establishment of group ranches.
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Laikipia Smallholder Farmers

What’s Holding Them Back?

Agriculture contributes significantly to Laikipia’s economy. It is also the largest employer, with smallholder farmers making up almost two-thirds of our agricultural sector. They also play an important role in aspects of sustainable development. This includes being a bulwark against hunger and poverty in rural areas.
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Mukogodo Forest: Making Strides Towards Management of Laikipia’s Biggest Forest Reserve

The ILMAMUSI Mukogodo Community Forest Association (CFA)

ILMAMUSI CFA was a pioneer in 2008 when it developed one of the first CFA constitutions for the newly recognized mandates of forest associations in Kenya.Since that time, new Acts of government for natural resources management and governance have been developed, the most impactful being the Kenya Forest Service Act 2016.

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Swarming locusts are famous for their destructive potential. Currently, locust outbreaks in East Africa are threatening the livelihoods of hundreds of farmers and their families. For instance, a recent swarm in Kenya consumed more than 2,000 tons of food.

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