Lamu News … from Forodhani House …

Dear Friends, Lamu Lovers and Travel Colleagues,

Summer holidays finished, we are all Back to School now :-).

Thought you would appreciate getting some informations about the next events that will take place in the coming months here in Lamu, about our rates, special offers and last update on availabilities too if you would wish to book a stay at Forodhani House, for you, your family, your guests.

First, can’t escape to share with you some kids smiles from Lamu, may they help to keep you warm all automn and winter,give you the soft strength needed to go on peacefully whatever lifes can bring !

photo credits : Martina Valachova, Eric Lafforgue, mimi pia.

You already know that Lamu Island is rare, a real gem of Kenya and the whole East African coast, it has so much to offer ! Beautiful pristine beaches, clear blue waters, we switch now pole pole from Kazkazi to Kusi winds, many activities on land and on sea, the peace and welcoming attitude always of its people, its very rich and vivid swahili culture… Lamu is also an island of Festivals and let me share with you (here attached) the main events which will take place here in the coming year.Always great shows and a vibrant atmosphere, interesting to attend and experience.

A bit as usual at this time of the year now, we updated our rates for 2016 (see attached), and prepared 2 Specials (here attached too) for our guests :

– From 15th September to 15th December 2015 : a "Very Special for Residents", with a unique rate of 40 000 Ksh/night for the whole House (sleeps up to 11/13), subject to availability of course.

– And our "Early Birds Offer" : for all stays in 2016 booked in 2015 (before 31/12/2015), 10% discount + the free activity of your choice inclusive (day dhow trip, watersports fun and lessons, massages at home, swahili dinner, Lamu Old Town guided tour, Tube or Donkey ride for all kids, adults can try it too ;-), you choose !).

If you wish to plan an escape, organise some sun in your winter, here is our latest update on availabilities :
Karibu saana Forodhani House as it is for the time being still available :
– from 5 to 17 October… maybe even to 24 October, as this stay isn’t fully confirmed yet
– from 13 November to 5 December… even for Lamu Cultural Festival for the time being
– from 7 December to 12 December
– from 16 December to 22 December… some school holidays here I think
– from 8 January to … a bit whenever you would wish in 2016, for the time being, you can choose your dates, and book with the Early Birds Special !

All has been updated online too on

I am here of course if you would need anything else, we’ll be happy to help, you know.
Karibu saana Forodhani House, Shella and Lamu !

Happy many beautiful days ahead rafikis.

Isabelle xxx

Isabelle SIMON
FB : Forodhani House Lamu
Tel : +254718407480
Tel : +33612548184

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