Lillian Gaitho’s midweek contribution focuses on what a hotel room should offer

Eight Must Have Hotel Room Requirements

A hotel, wherever located is a second home for the guest; budget friendly, or exclusively grandeur, it must cover a little beyond mere basics and creature comforts. Here is a checklist guideline from Jumia Travel, that should help you anytime you are booking into your stay away from home.

Hemingways hotel-Nairobi

Comfortable sleep

A hotel is described as so for the presence of lodging facilities. The form and make notwithstanding, it’s a prerequisite for any supplier and provider in the business to ensure that their guests get to enjoy a night’s sleep. This is one in-room investment that should not be compromised.

Cleanliness and hygiene

As the saying goes, cleanliness is next to Godliness. This goes beyond the walls and compounds to the staff uniform, food hygiene and the whole aroma that greets you once you walk in. A hotel, being a home to a variety of people with diverse backgrounds should be treated as a convergence zone of culture and lifestyles; therefore, sanitation, waste management, food hygiene and other practices should be of high standards.

Fairmont Mount Kenya Safari Club

Internal and external security

Protection from harm is a basic human need, and sometimes could mean the line between life and death. Your hotel premises should be secured through all avenues suitable for the area, and as may be required. For instance, while we may have security personnel stationed at main entrance, provisions such as lockable safe, doorbells and detectors will instill confidence where

guest needs are concerned.

Clear communication channels

This does not necessarily indicate that you must only book a room with room phone connection, rather connotes the wholesome art of communication. Once you are received at the reception desk or concierge, there should be someone to explain procedures, directions and any guidelines that will affect your stay. In response, you should be able to make any special requests without feeling harassed and neglected. It’s always important to call people (staff) by their name, and know who you should run to whenever faced with a query.

Internet connection

Unless clearly stated in the description, a hotel should feature fast and reliable internet. Seeing unto that travel has taken on a mobile path, it is only prudent for providers to ensure that their guests are well served. Apart from boosting efficiency, and increasing revenue through customer satisfaction, installing accessible and reliable connection will also prompt guests to share news of your services through unpaid content.

Power Backup system, and adequate sources

Imagine staggering in the dark, walking into unfamiliar pits and trying to make party or keep up with business assignments and errands amidst blackout sessions. It’s ultimately disruptive! While it’s the duty of hotel developers to install power backup systems, they are not bound by any laws to do so. It’s therefore your duty to check with the reservation, and ascertain the same. In the same breath, your room should have enough outlets, well positioned and with adequate voltage to carry out simple tasks such as multiple gadget re-charge and powering of in-room devices.

Image by Rudy

Closet, or simple storage space

No one is asking for rotating shoe racks! No. Just a space enough to unpack your weary bags and luggage. At least, if not for anything, having your mini-wardrobe take in the new air will be good enough. While at it, every decent hotel room should have at least a mirror next to the clean sink.

Functional plumbing, and flowing water

Plumbing in this case means that you won’t cause a flood after your long and rejuvenating shower. The bathroom-of whichever kind-should be well layered and any sewers clear and clean to avoid any odors and unnecessary dampness.