Getting Ready for the Connected Bag

Register Today for this exclusive Air Transport World Webinar
The airline industry has made tremendous strides in baggage handling over the last eight years, saving a collective $18 billion by investing in new technology and processes for moving passengers’ luggage. A particular focus has been aimed at bags transferring between flights, which is an increasingly important element of many airlines’ business, especially the fast-growing Middle East carriers.
The next step is end-to-end tracking of baggage. Experts will join the webinar to discuss the results of the 2015 SITA/ATW Baggage Report and how baggage performance can be a key differentiator in a competitive market, looking at the best practices of several airlines.
REGISTER NOW to attend this FREE informative online event!
Event Details:
Getting Ready for the Connected Bag
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
11:00 AM ET | 4:00 PM GMT
Web connection, computer audio capabilities |

Nick Gates
Portfolio Director

Andrew Price
Head of Baggage