#Lusaka Carnival set for today


(Posted 18th November 2017)

The third edition of the Pamodzi Carnival in Lusaka is going underway today and tens of thousands of spectators are expected to line the streets of Lusaka through which the parade will waltz.
The festival was created to showcase the wide cultural variety across Zambia and give an added attraction for tourist visitors who come to the country. Literally all such visitors spend little time in Lusaka but go on to the country’s national parks or to the Victoria Falls in Livingstone and the carnival hopes to bring tourist visitors also to the capital.
In a quest to diversify the Zambian economy, Minister Banda restated that the President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the Vice-President Inonge Mutukwa-Wina has prioritised tourism as one of its key sectors to drive development and stimulation of growth.
As highlighted by President Lungu in the recently launched Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP), Minister Banda says diversification is key toward mitigating poverty.
As you are all aware, our country is endowed with abundant natural resources and diverse culture which we should use prudently, if we are to transform the arts and culture into money spinners for our country. There are countries whose economies have thrived in the arts and culture sector and we have recorded remarkable economic growth. It is imperative for us to learn from their best practices if our country is to similarly succeed‘ Minister Banda, a veteran broadcaster and communication expert advised.Minister Banda says Zambia as a member of the UNWTO has lined a number of activities this year which include the Declaration of South Luangwa National Park as a Sustainable National Wildlife National Park, the hosting of an International Conference on Promoting Sustainable Tourism as a Tool for Inclusive Growth and Community Engagement in Africa and last but not least flagging of the Pamodzi Carnival.
These events’ importance were lifted by the presence of UNWTO Secretary General Dr. Taleb Rifai, who is in Zambia from 15th to 18th of November.
The 2017 Pamodzi Carnival will attract local cultural groups and participants from Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Seychelles, all members of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in a spirit of promoting oneness just as the word ‘Pamodzi’ literally translated as ‘Togetherness.’
Expect a full illustrated report over the weekend.
