LWF offers special birding course in Laikipia in December

Special course focused on BIRDS – December 2020
Washington Wachira, one of the top ornithologists in East Africa will facilitate a three-day training course for Professional Safari Guides and anyone else with a particular interest in knowing more about Ornithology on the 4th,5th,6th of December 2020 at Suyian Soul, Laikipia.

Washington has led hundreds of birding expeditions, field courses and safaris across Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. He has co-authored several books and checklists on birds, in Kenya. He is a member of the East Africa Bird Rarities Committee and of the Bird Committee of Nature Kenya, where he chairs the National Bird of Kenya Sub-committee. He is also a TED Speaker and a 2016 National Geographic Explorer.is also a TED Speaker and a 2016 National Geographic Explorer.

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