Major assault planned against Murchison Falls


(Posted 07th June 2019)


Uganda’s tourism industry is up in arms over attempts by Bonang Power and Energy (PTY) Limited to start the process for a hydro electric power plant at the heart of Murchison Falls, one of the country’s key attractions for both international and local / regional tourists.
A coalition is reportedly already forming to defeat the company’s plans already at this early stage and not permit profit motives to run roughshod over one of East Africa’s great national parks and natural attractions.
Similar plans to build a power plant at the falls were already raised decades ago but abandoned when it was clear, even then, that destroying such a major resource would not benefit the country.


No comment could be received at this stage from the Uganda Wildlife Authority or the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, no surprise this being Friday after office hours.
Two environmentalists and conservationists have already contacted saying that they would fight the applicants tooth and nails in court while mobilising an international coalition against the plans.
Owners of Bonang Power are presently not known but efforts are underway to establish who the individuals are to include them in legal action alongside the company itself, its directors and its financiers.

Meanwhile have regular sources in Kampala also contacted ATCNews, pointing out that once the Karuma Falls power plant goes into production stage, there will be a massive surplus of power which cannot be immediately sold, leaving consumers likely to foot the bills for some years to come as a result of a power purchase agreement entered into prior to the start of construction.
Across the region are new power plants, including several tapping into renewable energy sources like wind and sunlight, being constructed or have more recently come on line, arguably leading to a major surplus of electricity in Eastern Africa.

3 Responses

  1. This is all the plans of the Chinese but! This will be a blood battle and we are willing to fight whoever plans to kill our country’s tourism