(Posted 01st October 2014)
Fishermen, and of course fisherwomen will look forward to the Malindi Fishing Festival Weekend in October, when fishing skills are tested and trophies are up for grab between the 17th and the 19th of next month.
The deep sea fishing competition, now in its 55th year, yes, let me spell that out again, fifty fifth year, is organized by the Malindi Sea Fishing Club, and has the status of an IGFA qualifying event. The winner will secure a place in the upcoming Offshore World Championship in Costa Rica for Kenya.
The Churchill Trophy competition will take place on the 17th of October and contestants will have to use a light line which requires the ultimate skills to land a larger fish without having the line break.
The main event, a tag and release competition to protect the dwindling big game fish population, is then run over two days, fishing the waters off the Malindi coast line where already Ernest Hemingway came to fish repeatedly during his visits to East Africa.
Accommodation will be available across the price ranges in Malindi but real aficionados will try to get room and board at the Driftwood Club, now owned and managed by Roger Silvester, who has been a major supporter of local fishing competitions including this one of course.
Besides the fishing has Malindi of late risen to some global fame when Flavio Briattore of F1 fame, or infamy, added his Billionaire Resort to the Lion in the Sun, an award winning Spa resort, and other resorts and villa complexes too have sprung up including gated estates. It is there that expatriates are increasingly buying condos or villas which come with residency permits to make certain of being able to stay not just for an annual vacation but even move to Kenya upon retirement and enjoy the splendid climate of the Kenya coast.
For added information on the fishing expedition click on