Malindi named as the 2014 most customer friendly Kenyan airport


(Posted 02nd November 2014)

Malindi airport has in the annual Customer Service Survey of the Kenya Airports Authority beaten all the rivals, Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret and Wilson to take the 2014 trophy as the most user friendly and efficient airport in Kenya.

KAA Chief Executive Ms. Lucy Mbugua flew to Malindi herself to deliver the trophy and celebrate this accomplishment with her team based at Malindi.

The airport was more recently refurbished and expanded to cater for more visitors and with three scheduled flights a day from Nairobi, in addition to which there are of course light aircraft charters coming and going as well as private jets from such celebrities like Flavio Briattore, who owns the Billionaire’s Resort and the Lion in the Sun and is a regular visitor. Italians are the number one investors in resorts in Malindi as well as in privately owned real estate and many hotels are almost exclusively catering for this market.

Locals and expatriates in the know however would opt for the more homemade hospitality like one can experience at the Driftwood Club, which is owned by ‘home boy’ Roger Sylvester. Roger bought the club after selling his interest in Bunson Travel, Nairobi a few years ago and has ever since been Malindi’s most ardent promoter and the happy face of Malindi on the social media.

Malindi is a perfect place for a relaxing beach vacation slightly off the beaten track of Mombasa’s North or South coast and is also a perfect base for deep sea fishing, with many competitions taking place every year. A golf club, regular sailing competitions and the vicinity to Tsavo East National Park make Malindi a perfect getaway place where one easily finds like-minded people rather than the hoi polloi.

Congrats are certainly in order for the Malindi airport team, who are ready to welcome more visitors from within Kenya, the region and beyond.