Information was confirmed overnight that Air Mauritius has with immediate effect raised their fares by 5 percent across the board for international flights, to cater for the rise in fuel and other cost. In addition will a further fare rise become due when the full impact of the European Unions Emission Trading Scheme or in short ETS becomes fully quantifiable, the same source has pointed out.
Fares however to the neighbouring island of La Reunion and to Rodrigues Island have not been increased it was pointed out, giving relief to regular travelers on business between the three islands for the time being.
Following the acquisition of 40 percent shares in Air Seychelles by Abu Dhabis Etihad there is also growing speculation that the government in Port Louis has been approached by potential investors in Air Mauritius to similarly by into the airline, a move neither ruled out nor ruled in at this stage, as a regular source from the island pointed out. I think our government is watching first what is happening with Air Seychelles now with their new partners and their new strategies. In principle cooperation is a way forward and would spare Air Mauritius that painful cutting back which has dominated Air Seychelles for the past 4 months before Etihad came on board. There is a rational of our three airlines, including Air Austral, to sit down and talk and see how we can cooperate to save cost, but let the new managers in Victoria settle in first before we can expect any meetings to shape up was the comment from Mauritius.
Watch this space for regular aviation updates from the Indian Ocean islands and from Eastern Africa.