Meet the eTN team at the UNWTO Assembly in Medellin / Colombia

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Medelin, Colombia


Are you attending the UNWTO General Assembly in Colombia this month?

Meet eTurboNews and ICTP

Attending from our team are

  • Juergen T Steinmetz, publisher eTN & chairman ICTP email:jts
  • Prof. Geoffrey Lipman, President ICTP, email: gl
  • Dmytro Makarov, eTN Russian Edition email: dm
  • Christian Rosario, photographer

From our executive and advisory board attending are

  • Hon. Alain St. Ange, Minister Tourism Seychelles
  • Louis D’Amore, president and founder IIPT

>> To coordinate a meeting or interview email or call (before or during the General Assembly) +1-808-536-1100 or +1-808-587-2345 or direct tweet @eturbonews

>> If you’re not attending the UNWTO General Assembly follow eTN for up to the minute coverage. eTN Rush will update you constantly during the event. For a complimentary subscription CLICK HERE

>> To post updates, stories or media releases, please CLICK HERE

>> To join the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP)