Minister St. Ange meets Mauritius parliamentary delegation

Seychelles News


(Posted 05th June 2014)

When Seychelles celebrated the 50th anniversary of Party LEPEP, and its predecessor organizations, earlier this week, during which occasion President James Alix Michel launched a book about former head of state Albert Rene titled ‘Albert Rene – The Father of the Modern Seychelles’ did Minister for Tourism and Culture Alain St. Ange use the opportunity to interact with a group of parliamentarians from Mauritius. The MP’s had travelled to Mahe to show solidarity with their sister island and demonstrate a spirit of cooperation and the Minister gladly took the chance to brief the delegation on a range of issues of mutual interest.

High on the agenda was inter island cooperation in tourism and other areas, and with both islands being founder members of the Vanilla Island Organization it is expected that this topic too was discussed, of how the Seychelles and Mauritius can both benefit from this marketing platform.

The Seychelles have been a strong supporter of the Vanilla Island concept and been instrumental in raising the profile of the new marketing cooperative.

Some months ago was the matter in fact raised at a parliamentary session in Port Louis / Mauritius and the group of parliamentarians visiting the Seychelles were no doubt keenly interested to hear more about the Vanilla Islands Organization, and the successes already accomplished and the plans for the future and go home to share their new found insights with their colleagues in the Mauritius parliament. Watch this space.