Monthly Trumpet – August 2014

And more to come from Save the Elephants

Save the Elephants The Monthly Trumpet

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Namunyak Carcass
Africa Loses 100,000 Elephants in 3 Years
100,000 elephants were killed for their ivory between 2010 and 2012, according to new research conducted by the head of Save the Elephants’ Scientific Board and collaborators. Intensive monitoring of the elephants of Samburu – one of the best-studied elephant populations in the world – helped translate continental information on rates of illegal killing into actual numbers. Accurate, scientifically verifiable data on the number of elephants being lost to poachers is crucial to give high-level decision-makers the information they need to end the ivory crisis.

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Yao Urges China To Say No with New Film
Giant former basketball player Yao Ming is on a mission to end the world’s wildlife crisis. After journeying through Africa’s most famed wild landscapes, and bearing witness to the massacre of elephants and rhinos across the continent, Yao’s film “End of the Wild” premiered in Beijing this month. A highlight is Yao’s voyage to Save the Elephants in Kenya and his moving interactions with the people and the elephants of Samburu. These have helped inspire his commitment, spurring him to reach ever higher in China in his quest to secure their future.

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Babile’s Rescue
In the midst of one of Ethiopia’s most beautiful landscapes, poachers have pushed Africa’s most easterly elephant population to the edge of viability. Now the Elephant Crisis Fund is supporting Born Free to work with the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority to lift the seige, with good results so far…

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Aiming for Higher Grades
The children of our Elephant Scholarship Program are burning the midnight oil to improve their grades. STE’s Education Program officer brought them to camp and introduced them to The Khan Academy, an amazing online resource to improve their aptitude, getting them ready to take on the challenges of life…

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Elephants in Chicago
Keeping up the momentum for elephants in high places, Dr. Iain Douglas-Hamilton will be speaking at the Chicago Council for Global Affairs, and the Chicago Zoological Society, sharing insights on the black market for blood ivory. Elephant-lovers in the Chicago area, we look forward to seeing you there.

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Conservation Through Sports
Camels became the curious focus of STE’s community work this month. Our Outreach Team were up in Maralal, northern Kenya, at the 25th Camel Derby to talk about conservation and poaching. With camels racing by, people from all walks of life got drawn into the world of elephants.

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Our Mission: To secure a future for elephants and sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live, to promote man’s delight in their intelligence and the diversity of their world, and to develop a tolerant relationship between the two species.

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