(Posted 02nd July 2016)
The Loisaba conservancy can now be reached with greater ease as Air Kenya now serves the airstrip on demand as part of their scheduled flights to national parks and other protected areas.
As long as six passengers head to this extraordinary piece of African wilderness real estate will the airline drop them off at the nearby airstrip and in turn of course collect them too.
July 01st signals the return of the mid season after the extended low season period since the week after Easter, a time when demand traditionally rises again for safaris and beach vacations and when additional charter flights to the Kenya coast are launched or other services suspended during low season resume.
Loisaba Lodge, formerly owned and managed by Cheli & Peacock, is now part of the Elewana portfolio and an upmarket destination known for its ‘skybeds‘ where guests can sleep outdoors on their own terrace under the sky, protected by a mosquito net, able to enjoy the warm nights of Northern Kenya.