More #aviation training courses on offer in #Kigali


Leading provider of aviation safety promotion courses
in East Africa’s capital of aviation safety

Independent | Non-profit | Innovative

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We are launching another interesting course to address growing concerns in our industry revolving around safety vs. privacy.

Kigali, Rwanda / 10-12 September – US$ 300
Recent aviation accidents have highlighted the importance of psychological issues in flight safety. Aviation personnel work in a unique environment and endure a range of stressors that may place them at increased risk of developing mental health issues.
Make sure your organisation is equipped with international best practices so you recognise early warning signs and can act appropriately.
Book your place in the upcoming Aviation Mental Health course at the AviAssist Safety Promotion Center (ASPC)-Rwanda.

Learn about:

• International best practices on aviation mental health
• The work and personal lives of pilots and cabin crew
• Specific mental health risks associated with aviation
• Risk factors in personal life
• Aviation mental health & pilot licensing requirements
• Common mental health problems among aircrew
• Psychological assessment and reporting
• Overview of psychology of human factors and air safety and disaster support

Who should attend?

Intended participant include aviation medical examiners, psychologists, human resource managers, crew chiefs, safety managers, government safety inspectors, chief pilots, chiefs flight operation, cabin crew managers and aircraft dispatchers.

For registration, complete and return the attached registration form.

Kigali, Rwanda 12 September – FREE for a maximum of 15 paid delegates to the Safety in African Aviation conference
Improved safety performance to help a State’s aviation industry mature, supporting future economic growth and a State’s prosperity.
A collaborative approach between the State and industry has been key to successfully identify areas of improvement.
An SSP becomes the bridge that closes a gap between the safety processes at the civil aviation oversight authority and the safety processes of the industry.

But it is not always easy to find the right formula to construct that bridge. How do you create an environment where change is perceived essential to achieve improvements in safety performance and compliance with ICAO Annex 19?

Learning objectives

  • Get practical guidance on key elements of an SSP including a State’s regulation for an SSP, establishment of acceptable levels of safety performance, SSP implementation planning, working with the industry & identifying safety threats

Who must attend?

  • Senior representatives from Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) responsible for the implementation of safety programmes (SSP)
  • Representatives working on oversight of safety management systems for aircraft operations, air traffic services, maintenance of aircraft and aerodrome operations
  • Industry members (service providers)

For registration, complete and return the attached registration form and submit a nomination form from your employer.

About AviAssist
Other events in Kigali in September are:

International Air Law & Policy, 10-12 September
Airport planning & airspace protection course, 11 September
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS/’Drones’) – 12 September
Ground Handling International – African Stakeholders Conference 11-13 September
Safety in African Aviation conference, 13-14 September
Flight Data Management course, 17-18 September
Dangerous Goods course, 17-20 September

The ASPC-Rwanda is an initiative from the AviAssist Foundation and a joint undertaking with the Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority, RwandAir, the aviation academy of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the University of Tourism, Technology & Business Studies (UTB) in Kigali and the JAA-TO. The ASPC-Rwanda is growing into East Africa’s leading resource centre for safety promotion, with training courses just one of the services offered.

Help us promote this event: please forward this email to anyone you think should grab this unique opportunity. As an independent, non-profit organisation, we rely on support of aviation organisations and companies, even if only by attending our great value for money events!

See you in Kigali in September!

Tom Kok
Director – AviAssist Foundation

The ASPC-Rwanda is powered by among others
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