More #aviation training in #Kigali #Rwanda


East & Southern Africa’s leading provider of
on-site aviation safety promotion courses

Independent | Non-profit | Innovative

There are still places available in two upcoming courses at the AviAssist Safety Promotion Center (ASPC)-Rwanda. For more information, please click here to visit our website.
Kigali, Rwanda / 10-12 September – US$ 400
Aviation safety functions in a complex web of international air law and policy. A good understanding of international air law and policy is a crucial pillar of aviaition safety.
Book your place in the upcoming International Air Law & Policy course at the AviAssist Safety Promotion Center (ASPC)-Rwanda.Learn about:

  • What are the most important rules applicable to civil air transport sector?
  • How is international air law adopted and enforced?
  • What are the main role / responsibities of ICAO, CAA, ANSP, airlines, airports and other aviation stakeholders
  • What is your main legal risk and how to mitigate them?
  • Who is responsible in the event of an accident and to what extent?
  • How to finance an aircraft and why to insure it?
  • International and regional cooperation

Who should attend?

Intended participant include aviation professionals without legal background, including airline managers, representatives of CAA’s, safety managers, airline operational staff, ANSP’s and ATC’s. Ground handling supervisors and staff

For registration, complete and return the attached registration form.

Kigali, Rwanda 12 September – US$ 150
The use of drones, both commercially and for pleasure, is growing rapidly. It is crucial to provide states, international organizations, operators and stakeholders with updated and first-hand information on RPAS provisions and guidance material. Only then can drones be operated safely while allowing this industry to innovate and continue to grow. Attend this course, organised at the request of the Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority, to make sure your organisation is up-to-date on international best practices so it can play its part in this exciting, young sector of aviation.

Learning objectives

  • RPAS guidance by ICAO and regulatory development in Africa
  • Differences between RPAS and manned flight operations
  • Risk Assessment specific to drone operations
  • Flight planning and unique issues to consider for drone operations
  • Selecting the most appropriate drone for the job
  • Practical safety tips for RPAS operations

Who must attend?

  • Government safety inspectors
  • Safety managers of drone operators
  • Prospective drone pilots

For registration, complete and return the attached registration form.

All course fees includes a year’s subscription to Africa’s full colour quarterly SafetyFocus magazine.

About AviAssist
Other events in Kigali in September are:
Aviation mental health course, 11-12 September
State Safety Program workshop, 12 September
Ground Handling International – African Stakeholders Conference 11-13 September
Safety in African Aviation conference, 13-14 September
Flight Data Management course, 17-18 September
Dangerous Goods course, 17-20 September

The AviAssist Foundation is the only non-profit organisation dedicated to providing impartial, independent, expert safety guidance and resources for the African aviation industry.
We realise our incredible rates by deploying practising professional volunteers and support from the airlines for their transport as important pillars of our independent, non-profit status.

Course designs follow international standards as specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO, leading regulators and leading industry associations.

The ASPC-Rwanda is an initiative from the AviAssist Foundation and a joint undertaking with the Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority, RwandAir, the aviation academy of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the University of Tourism, Technology & Business Studies (UTB) in Kigali and the JAA-TO. The ASPC-Rwanda is growing into East Africa’s leading resource centre for safety promotion, with training courses just one of the services offered.

Help us promote this event: please forward this email to anyone you think should grab this unique opportunity. As an independent, non-profit organisation, we rely on support of aviation organisations and companies, even if only by attending our great value for money events!
