#Morocco bids to host #UNWTO’s 24th General Assembly in 2021


(Posted 08th March 2019)

Courtesy of VoyagesAfriq and Kojo Bentum-Williams

The Kingdom of Morocco under the patronage of his Majesty King Mohammed VI has formally submitted its bid to the world tourism organization secretariat to host the 24th UNWTO General Assembly in Marrakech-Morocco.

Morocco, as a founding member of UNWTO has contributed meaningfully to the course of the Organisation at the various bodies and technical committees.

The country aims through its bid to further strengthen tourism cooperation with the UNWTO and the Member States.

It should be recalled that the Kingdom of Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, advocates a sustainable and responsible tourism development on the international stage, and is considered as a reference country as regards hosting major international events.

Morocco’s bid is based on a clear vision and a firm commitment to ensure the smooth functioning of this international event, and to provide an authentic, exceptional tourist experience for UNWTO and the Member States.

The Minister in one of the meetings with the diplomatic community

As part of the awareness-raising measures carried out by the Department of Tourism in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Mohammed Sajid, Minister of Tourism, Air Transport, Handicrafts and Social Economy, who took part in the 39th edition of the International Tourism Trade Fair organised in Madrid (FITUR 2019), held meetings with tourism Ministers to solicit them their support for Morocco’s bid.

Subsequently in order to raise further awareness of Morocco’s candidacy, Mr. Sajid followed up in February 2019 with meetings attended by Heads of the Diplomatic Missions of the African, Arab, Asian, European and American (the Americas) countries, who are members of UNWTO in Rabat.

Djemaa-el-Fna-Square in Marrekech

These meetings provided an opportunity for the Minister to reiterates the friendly relations and multidimensional cooperation that exist between Morocco and the above mentioned countries, expressing his hope that the countries involved will support Morocco’s bid to organise this major international event.

The host of the 24th General assembly will be announced at the 23rd session to be hosted by Russia in September this year.

The General Assembly is the supreme organ of UNWTO. Its ordinary sessions are held every two years and are attended by delegates from UNWTO Full and Associate Members, as well as representatives from UNWTO Affiliate Members.