Mount Kenya Launches New Challenge

Mount Kenya Three Peaks Challenge for our Horse Patrol Team

Mount Kenya Three Peaks Challenge 2017

Join and support us once again as we try to summit all three peaks of Africa’s second highest mountain

Climb – 16th to 21st March
Fundraiser event @ One Stop Nanyuki – Saturday 25th March

100% of the funds raised will be used to support the Mount Kenya Horse Patrol Team

In March 2017, members of the Mount Kenya Trust team and friends will once again attempt to summit the three peaks of Mount Kenya to raise vital funds for the Mount Kenya Horse Patrol Team.

Led by guides from African Ascents, the 2016 inaugural climb raised money to:

1. Employ two new Community Wildlife Officers, adding another team member to HPT and a Northern Sector driver who provides the whole northern region with vehicle support.
2. Facilitate construction of one satellite camp, with stable blocks to act as outposts for both the HPT and KWS and MKT foot patrol teams, further expanding the range and effectiveness of these teams.
3. Conduct essential maintenance to the water supply at the HPT base for ranges and horses.

This year the fundraising campaign aims to raise $25,000 through sponsorship via an online JustGiving crowdfunding page, via MPESA or visit the MKT donation page. Please help us reach our goal!

*SAVE THE DATE* Sat 25th – Sunday 26th March Mount Kenya Horse Patrol Team Fundraiser at One Stop – featuring The Itch and more! Follow this link for the event.

Top: Andrew, the newest member of HPT, out on patrol;
Bottom left: the newly constructed water tank; Bottom right: HPT pony selfie.
The Challenge
The challengers will be trekking up from the north via the Timau Track, initially joined by the Horse Patrol Team. On the 19th of March they will summiting Lenana (4,985m) for sunrise, then the following day some will be attempting the 650m verticle climb of Nelion (5,188m) and then onwards across the "Gates Of The Mist" to Batian (5,199m).

The team undertaking the challenge includes a diverse bunch of Kenya and international participants, all keen for the adventure and aiming to raise much-needed funds to support the Horse Patrol Team. Again, 100% of the funds raised will be used to support this important conservation initiative. which empowers local community members to be custodians of their natural heritage.

We are still recruiting (so let us know if you would like to join us), but so far we have the following participants confirmed:

Gwili Gibbon
Jamie Manuel
Lovat Carnelly
Brandon Barbour
James Thorogood
Patricia Rioux
Jill Zachrisson
Mie Elsen
Christine Nyawira
James Boorman
Kim Pierce
Alan Paul and a team from Ecofuels Kenya

What are we raising funds for?
This fundraising campaign aims to raise $25,000 through sponsorship via an online JustGiving crowdfunding page, via MPESA or visit the MKT donation page.
Mount Kenya Trust Horse Patrol Team
A short video about the Mount Kenya Horse Patrol Team!
Click here to support the 3 peaks challenge via Just Giving!
To donate via MPESA:

  1. Choose Pay Bill
  2. Enter business no. – 329142
  3. Enter account no. – MK3 Peaks & your surname
  4. Enter amount.

To donate online or via a bank transfer or cheque please visit:

color-facebook-48.png Mount Kenya Trust
color-facebook-48.png African Ascents
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 690
Nanyuki 10400

Physical Address:
We have moved from Nanyuki Airstrip to Turaco Farm please click here to request a map to our new offices
