Nairobi, now also the City of Food

Nairobi City: EveryFoodie’sDream
Nairobi has in the past few years experienced an upsurge of eateries, restaurants and fast food joints serving up a metropolitan-style menu to an ever-growing palate of discerning consumers.
What sets Nairobians apart is their love for experimenting and their bold attitudes when it comes to food and cuisine. Eating out is no longer just a matter of perusing a menu, ordering and settling down for a quick bite. It has evolved into an art, and the Nairobian foodie wants the total works from décor, service, presentation and taste that is well put together to form an unformidable experience.

In the spirit of re-branding Nairobi, the County Executive of Trade Industrialization, Cooperative Development & Tourism, Ms. Anna Othoro has stressed on the need to understand “Nairobi as a Brand”. To this end, the County’s Live-Love Nairobi campaign is the dynamic and vibrant marketing and tourism brand. This campaign explores the various facets of city life in Nairobi and is pleased to endorse Nairobi City as a culinary hub.

“Nairobi has so much to explore and so much to crave in terms of food and beverage experiences through world class cuisines and unforgettable hospitality”

What distinguishes a good eating joint from a great one is the dining experience. Nairobi City County through its Live Love Campaign is pleased to partner with Chef’s Delight Awards as a platform to rank the Nairobian culinary experience through the eyes, ears and mouths of those who get to experience it first hand. The onus now lies on the participating outlets to deliver on an unforgettable culinary journey for their clientele.

Be sure to connect with the Live Love Nairobi team on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @LiveLoveNairobi

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