New courses in the making at Utalii to address security and safety issues


Kenya Utalii College, East Africa’s foremost tourism and hospitality training institution, has reached agreement with the Kenya Tourism Federation to introduce special courses aimed to train staff working in the sector on safety and security issues.

The information was passed from a regular source in Nairobi, affirming the need to add special skills for staff at all levels in the tourism industry to read the signs of imminent threats and knowing how to evade, avoid and escape incidents.

Security at tourism attractions, hotels and restaurants, among others, was for long the domain of private security companies and public security organs like the police but bringing staff up to date through specialized training will add a further layer of safety between perpetrators and potential victims of crime.

Utalii will formally sign the Memorandum of Understanding with KTF and either at the same time or soon afterwards another MoU with an industry lobby group, the Kenya Association of Women in Tourism, which will cover increased cooperation and partnership between the two to promote greater participation of women in industrial training and subsequent employment in the sector.

This correspondent has a long relationship with Utalii, first trying his hand as a regular guest lecturer from 1985 onwards and continuing to lecture at Utalii until moving to Uganda on a permanent basis. Building on the experience came lectures in several of Uganda’s universities before being called upon by the Ministry of Education and Sports to serve as Chairman of Uganda’s national Hotel and Tourism Training Institute HTTI at the Crested Crane Hotel in Jinja.

4 Responses

  1. I commend all concerned. We must take a leadership position in addressing the threats associated with security recognizing the critical need for the INDUSTRY ITSELF to UNDERSTAND the Risk, understand the context within which our visitors see that risk and empower the industry with the knowledge and skills required to manage the perception / reality of that risk. What we desperately need are customized Hospitality Security solutions grounded in the culture of the Hospitality sector. Knowledge is power.

  2. The new proposal of courses of security at Utalii College is long overdue in considering todays state of affairs in the hospitality industry not only in kenya but in the ever changing world. I wish as an essential course even for outside this industries needs, the college can offer scholarships to students who are studying and if possible recall the already finishing ones to fully prepare them for the todays market.

  3. I am a uganda comppeted my senior six in 2013 and failed to make it to the university, can I get a scholarship at your institute in tourism and hotel management?Thanks