New Media Partnership between MIG, VoyagesAfriq and ATCNews takes effect

The first accurate source of B2B travel information on Africa in India
India Outbound magazine partnered with Africa-based publications : VoyagesAfriq and ATC News

By MIG Posted On : October 14, 2019 in News – India Outbound , Nairobi, Kenya
Kojo Bentum-Williams, Publisher of VoyagesAfriq, Christine Nayagam, Director of Media India Group (publisher of India Outbound Magazine) and Prof. Dr Wolfgang, founder of ATC News, entering a partnership at the Magical Kenya Tourism Expo 2019 in Nairobi.Kojo Bentum-Williams, Publisher of VoyagesAfriq, Christine Nayagam, Director of Media India Group (publisher of India Outbound Magazine) and Prof. Dr Wolfgang, founder of ATC News, entering a partnership at the Magical Kenya Tourism Expo 2019 in Nairobi.

Though Africa and India have had historical relations for centuries, the level of awareness of the two remains extremely low due to a near-total absence of coverage in each other’s media.

To help bridge the information gap that exists between India and Africa, notably in the domain of tourism, India Outbound magazine (published by Media India Group) has partnered with Africa-based media companies and leading tourism publications : VoyagesAfriq and ATC News. The partnership was sealed during the Magical Kenya Tourism Expo 2019 that took place in Nairobi on 2-4 October.

The objective of the partnership is to provide timely and accurate information on Africa to the Indian travel trade and travellers and contribute to a better understanding and knowledge of the continent that is often victim of bias, clichés and other false information.

A special section on Africa

The joint partnership will lead to the creation of a unique section on Africa on dedicated to B2B travel news, travel features and videos about the entire African continent for an Indian public.

Africa is not a country, it’s a continent with various countries and destinations that have each something quite unique. African countries are seeing a growing demand from India, in terms of luxury, FIT experiences as well as MICE. Similarly, from an inbound perspective, we see a lot of Africans travelling to India for medical tourism; Ayurveda is also becoming a trend and of course shopping has been a key reason for Africans to come to India. There is much more to be done, Africa has unique offers that are unfortunately not marketed properly in India.” said Christine Nayagam, Director of Media India Group.

Africa is also home to an important Indian diaspora that has played and is contributing significantly to the economic development of the African countries.

Change the narrative of Africa

The primary objective of the new cooperation is to change the narrative of Africa in the Indian tourism market place to further boost the number of visitors from India to Africa while in turn giving regular updates on India’s key tourism attractions and other facilities, thus equally boosting numbers of African visitors to India. With over 17.5 million Indians living outside India, and many of them in Africa, is it hoped that additional traffic can be generated in both directions through the new partnership and cooperation,” said Prof. Dr Wolfgang, founder of ATC News and based out of Uganda.

‘‘VoyagesAfriq is happy to partner with travel media giant India Outbound. We believe this partnership will help both brands to grow in readership and audience base while it also affords Africa the opportune moment to inform the growing India tourism market about Africa’s authentic and diverse tourism offering”, said Kojo Bentum-Williams, publisher of VoyagesAfriq and Africa Communication Expert at UNWTO.

Promotion opportunities for African players in India

India Outbound welcomes this partnership with a great zeal. Indeed, this initiative is the first of its kind on the Indian market! And we look forward to making history by contributing to a better understanding of the travel opportunities that the continent has to offer. Associating our large networks in India and Africa will bring great results for our various clients’ promotional activities”, added June Mukherjee, Head of India Outbound and Communication Director at Media India Group.

The Africa Travel section on contact or info or wolfgang.