More bad news … and to put one thing right, reacting to several mails received … I am NOT anti China
as it has been suggested by some readers (guess
where they are from of course) BUT openly admite
I am vehemently against the s*** they do when it comes
to ivory, rhino horn and live animals … kabish?
NA comment: Circulated by Nature Alert as a public service. Apart from the immorality and cruelty involved in this trade, what would a Chinese zoo want 50 elephants for? Will this evil trade wildlife trade with China never end? Not forgetting, the UAE also want to get their hands on baby elephants from Zimbabwe.
Will CITES still remain silent about this and other wildlife trade issues concerning China? Prince William is unafraid to speak out in public. Have you seen how often the CITES Secretary General posts photos of himself on Twitter etc? Why would he do this, but not issue a statement about the overwhelming worldwide condemnation of China’s illegal wildlife trade?
Would you prefer to see another photo of the Secretary General smiling, or a statement re China and what CITES intends, or is doing NOW, about this out of control, convention-busting country?