New Seychelles Tourism Minister sworn in


(Posted 17th November 2020)

Sylvestre Radegonde, the new Tourism Minister for the Seychelles, will also hold the portfolio of Foreign Affairs – a marked departure from the past government where Tourism was enjoined by Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine.

The new Minister, in his first address yesterday to the nation after being sworn in, urged the tourism industry of the archipelago to move beyond sea, sun and natural environment in order to broaden the appeal for tourists to come and visit the country.

Meanwhile has the Seychelles government also adjusted the guidelines for visiting tourists in regard of COVID19 protocols.

Countries from which visitors are permitted to travel to Seychelles
Changes to the current lists are effective from 16th November 2020
Category 1
Australia Israel Pakistan Botswana Japan Qatar Burundi Kenya Rwanda Cambodia Latvia Saudi Arabia China Liechtenstein Singapore Cote d’Ivoire Malawi South Africa Cuba Malaysia Republic of Korea Cyprus Maldives Sri Lanka Egypt Malta Thailand Estonia Mauritius Vietnam Finland Monaco Zambia Ghana New Zealand Zimbabwe Iceland Niger Ireland Norway

Category 2
Austria Switzerland France United Arab Emirates Germany United Kingdom Italy

Changes to the list
1. Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland have been moved to Category 2
2. Canada, Denmark, Lithuania, Portugal and Sweden have been removed from Category 1
3. Cuba, Israel, Japan, Maldives, Malta, Saudi Arabia and Zambia have been added to Category 1

Note that conditions of travel and stay for visitors from Category 1 and Category 2 countries are available at and Visitors are reminded that application for Health Travel Authorisation must be made at The Health Travel Authorisation received from this service authorises travel to Seychelles. Authorisation to enter Seychelles, and specific conditions, are determined by the relevant officers on arrival.

Presently in place for category 1 countries are the following mandatory regulations:


Visitors, including infants and children, must have a negative COVID-19 PCR certificate from an accredited laboratory. The test must be taken maximum of 72 hours before departure. ? Visitors must submit their negative PCR test results, flight and accommodation details before departure. Health travel authorization is required. Visitors must submit their application for approval through the designated platform at this link: – newport) or (garry.course)

DISEMBARKATION PROCEDURES Airport Arrival 1. The authorities at Seychelles International Airport have established measures for safe movement at the airport as follows:- ? Disembarkation should be done in an orderly manner based on inflight seating arrangements. ? Face masks should be kept on until exit from the terminal. ? A distance of at least one metre should be maintained between all persons at all times. ? Hand sanitisers are available throughout the terminal. ? When collecting luggages, visitors must ensure that a distance of at least one metre from other persons is maintained. The area around the conveyor belt has been demarcated to guide visitors. ? Visitors may make use of trolleys that have been disinfected and located at clearly demarcated areas. 2. All visitors will undergo temperature checks and health screening. ? Any visitor who disembarks with fever and respiratory symptoms such as cough, runny nose or shortness of breath will be isolated from other travellers and be subjected to further assessment. ? Additionally, visitors may be required to undertake a COVID-19 test upon disembarkation. ? Some visitors may be selected, on the basis of the health checks and review of documents, for additional testing on entry. ? Visitors must use authorised and certified transportation. All visitors must observe rules for physical distancing, avoiding close physical contact such as handshakes, and wear a facemask throughout the journey to the establishments.

TRANSFERS Airport transfers ? Transfer of visitors from the airport to the place of accommodation will be done by authorized transport and visitors must at all times follow instructions provided by the operators. ? Visitors will not be authorised to use public buses. ? Physical distancing must be maintained at all times. ? Visitors with connecting domestic flights to other islands should remain on the airport premises until departure of their flight. In the case where the connecting flight is on the following day, accommodation must be booked for the overnight stay in an authorized establishment.

STAY AT ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS OR LIVEABOARDS ? Visitors may only stay in establishments or liveaboards that have been certified by the Public Health Authority. Upon arrival in Seychelles, visitors must stay in not more than two accommodations/liveaboards for the first 7 days. ? * PCR test will be required by Category 1 visitors after the fifth night stay in any certified establishment. This means the testing will be conducted on the sixth day after the arrival of the visitor. ? Visitors are not permitted to stay at private residences. ? To ensure the safety of staff and visitors, all persons at tourism establishments are monitored daily for signs of illness by the Health and Safety Officer or designated person. ? All tourism establishments have set up measures to increase vigilance, enhance hygiene and social and physical distancing. Visitors are required to adhere to all guidelines and should keep interaction with other visitors not in their travel group to a minimum. (*Latest update as at 12/11/2020) ? Visitor wishing to take part in recreational activities such as tours, excursions, sightseeing etc. are required to use licensed tourism service providers that have been certified by the Public Health Authority. ? Visitors are required to wear face masks in public areas.

PCR TESTING IN SEYCHELLES FOR DEPARTING VISITORS PCR testing is not required to depart Seychelles. However, your airline or final destination may require it. PCR test facilities are available on the 3 main islands namely Mahe, Praslin and La Digue to visitors prior to departure. Visitors requiring the test should contact the Public Health Authority well in advance on the email address covid19test or telephone +248 4388410 to make the necessary arrangements. The PCR test currently costs SCR2, 500.00. Children below the age of 12 years and persons of 65 years and above are exempted from the fee. All PCR tests administered in Seychelles are accredited by the Ministry of Health.

Procedures for visitors from Category 2 countries are outlined below:


Additional health safety measures that will permit visitors from the category 2 permitted countries to travel and stay in Seychelles are described in the sections below. In summary these measures are:

1. Visitors, including infants and children, must have a negative COVID-19 PCR certificate from an accredited laboratory 48 hours prior to departure from the country of origin
2. Visitors from Category 2 countries are required to spend the first (6) six nights in a designated establishment and may not leave the premises and must strictly adhere to all the conditions in place at the establishment.
3. A repeat PCR test will be performed on the 6th day. If the test result is negative, the visitors will be free to continue with their planned holiday and follow terms and conditions outlined as per the Category 1 permitted countries
4. If the test result is positive, they will be required to stay in a designated hotel until cleared by the Public Health Authority.

PRE-TRAVEL PROCEDURES ? A negative PCR test certificate from an accredited or Government certified laboratory within 48 hours prior to departure to Seychelles must be submitted. ? All visitors from the Category 2 Permitted Countries must ensure that their accommodation is authorised to receive visitors. Refer to List of Authorized accommodation category 2. ? Visitors must have a valid travel insurance with full medical coverage, including COVID-19 related medical care, for the duration of their entire stay in Seychelles. ? Health Travel Authorization is also required. Visitors must submit their application for approval through the designated platform at this link This can only be done after they have received their PCR test results.

DURING TRAVEL Ports of Transit and Entry ? Visitors must adhere to strict public health measures (hand and respiratory hygiene, social distancing, wearing of facemasks during travel and transit). ? Visitors must have correct documents (Public Health Authority permits, printed PCR test results) for verification at ports of entry and transit.

Airport Arrival ? Visitors will go through the health desk manned by public health officials, for temperature screening, checks on symptoms, and review of test certificates and travel documents, if necessary. ? Some visitors may be selected, on the basis of the health checks and review of documents, for additional testing on entry. ? Visitors will also be registered and provided with details of follow up by health department officials. ? Visitors will be informed by the health officer of the health safety measures they have to follow and will be briefed on all terms and conditions to stay at their accommodation. ? Physical distancing must be maintained at all times. ? Visitors with connecting domestic flights to other islands should remain on the airport premises until departure of their flight. In the case where the connecting flight is on the following day, accommodation must be booked for the overnight stay in an authorized establishment. ? Visitors must use authorised and certified transportation. All visitors must observe rules for physical distancing, avoiding close physical contact such as handshakes, and wear a facemask throughout the journey to the establishments.

Registration at the establishment will include signing an agreement to the terms and conditions of stay. Day 1 to Day 6 inclusive ? All visitors must remain on the premises of their authorised accommodation at all times. ? Visitors must adhere to all Public health guidance (hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette, maintaining 1 metre distance or more and make consistent use of facemasks in enclosed settings). Daily temperature and health checks of visitors will be recorded. ? Visitors will undergo a PCR test on the 6th day after arrival at the authorised accommodation. This PCR test will be at no cost to the visitor. Day 7 onwards ? If the PCR test is negative, visitors will be free to continue with their planned holiday. If the PCR test done is positive, the visitor will immediately be isolated. ? If visitors are tested positive and asymptomatic (not showing any sign of respiratory infection i.e. Fever, cough. shortness of breath etc.) they will be either isolated in their rooms or transferred to the designated hotels. ? If visitors are tested positive but symptomatic (visitor is showing signs of respiratory infection i.e. fever, cough, shortness of breath etc.) the Public Health Authority requires that the person is isolated in a medical facility until recovery from the infection. Seychelles has extensive and modern health care services and visitors can expect quality care. ? Once visitors are allowed free movement, they must adhere to all Public Health measures and guidance being given to visitors (including wearing of face masks in public places) and only use certified transport and service providers. Visitors are not permitted to use public buses. They must follow all procedures put in place for the use of ferries and domestic flights.

ATCNews extends best wishes to the new Minister and wishes him well in his new appointment.