New visual identity for Indian Ocean Vanilla Island member #Reunion


(Posted 08th January 2018)

After more than a year of coexistence between the former visual identity of the destination and the pictograms of the signature “the intense island”, has Ile de la Reunion Tourisme, in short IRT, chosen the beginning of the year 2018 to introduce a new look to the organization and its public image.
A new logo that is part of a process of both modernizing as well as rebranding of the image of the destination, preserving the visual elements that had roused the strong interest around the return of the theme “the intense island“.

There will be two new logos that start appearing by the IRT as soon as today, January 08th: ILEDELAREUNIONTOURISME_600.jpg
The purpose of this change, more than anything else is, above all, to reinforce the image of the territorial brand which has been showcased globally now for some time. The challenge of the change is also to improve the presence in all markets worked by the IRT, to improve the visibility of the competitive advantages of the island – Reunion being nothing short but Reunion, the ‘Intense Island‘.
This name is simpler, more adaptable and usable in all tourist source markets.
Generated by a creative agency based on Reunion have the new logos been influenced by public opinion on this French Indian Ocean island.
Additional versions are due to be unveiled soon but expect the new logo to already grace the Reunion island team stand at FITUR in Madrid.