News and Updates on the Serengeti



Dear Serengeti Watcher,

We’re encouraged by actions of the new Tanzanian government led by President John Magafuli. There’s been a tough crackdown on corruption and some positive new measures on conservation.

Reason enough to hope, but population growth and threats from climate change remain daunting challenges. There is much more to do if the Serengeti is to be preserved.

Again, thank you again for your continued support!

The Serengeti Watch Team

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Livestock Being Evicted from Serengeti


Serengeti’s Chief Park Warden, William Mwakilema, warned that livestock is threatening the very existence of wildlife and tourism. "If there are no practical measures in place for the next 20 to 25 years, the park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will be a history of the past." Tanzania’s Vice President thereafter issued an ultimatum that livestock be removed from all national parks and told local administrators to see that it’s done or lose their jobs. More

Reserve Next to Park To Stay Intact For Now

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The Maswa Game Reserve is a buffer area to the south of the Serengeti National Park, An important dry season refuge for wildlife, it is increasingly under pressure from human settlement. Despite calls to de-gazette the area as a reserve, the government says it will not change Maswa’s protected status. More

Poaching Crackdown Planned

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Tanzanian is considering the deployment of paramilitary personnel in its parks, a move that would replace the current system of using park rangers to track down poachers. More

Drones May Be Used in Serengeti


Unmanned aerial drones may someday be introduced into Tanzania’s national park system. Drones are currently not allowed, and the government says this possible new anti-poaching device must be tested first. More

Solutions Urgently Needed

These are all positive steps, but they are stopgap measures and cannot stem the coming tsunami of:

Population growth: Tanzania’s population is expected to double by mid-century! The country needs policies to slow this growth, especially education for women.

Climate Change: Read more here. And how an animal similar to Wildebeest, the American Bison, is being affected by climate change.

Livestock: Tanzania has a huge cattle population that is outrunning capacity. New breeds of higher quality cattle need to be introduced to bring the numbers down.

Need for Welfare & Education: Local people around the park need to benefit from tourism so they don’t need to constantly increase herd size. Education on conservation and family planning is vital.

Serengeti Watch is working on these! Help us.


Serengeti Watch is a project of Earth Island Institute,
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