News from further down South …

Here is Gill Staden’s latest ‘The Livingstone bi-Weekly‘ and as always my sincere thanks to her for the enormous amount of work she puts into every edition, giving our both readers much to learn about Zambia, Zimbabwe and other neighbouring countries and always much to look forward to the next edition


Inside this edition …

A trip to the Copperbelt

Toll Roads – more thoughts

Livingstone Airport to be completed

David Livingstone Safari Lodge – new Conference facility

Hospitals to be given solar energy

ZAWA Camp burned

Kariba Dam Repairs

Load Shedding to get worse

UNWTO wants legacy projects for Vic Falls Town and Livingstone

Zambia Carnivore Programme saves lion

Suni Memorial Fund

Painted Dog Conservation News

Thoughts on Hunting by Zimbabwe Task Force

Friends of Hwange need help