News from Gamewatchers Safaris

And here come the latest news from Porini Camps and Gamewatchers Safaris – always worth a read …


Gamewatchers Safaris August 2014
Greetings Porini Enthusiast!

There has been much coverage in the international media about the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. But before you all become very anxious and worry that this could affect Kenya, I would recommend taking a deep breath, and looking over the facts in detail. What if I were to tell you that London is 4,936 km from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, and that Nairobi is 5,656 km from the same location, what would you say? The true size of Africa is larger than the USA, China, India, Europe AND Japan put together! Africa is ONE continent made up of 54 independent countries with their own strict immigration and custom laws and controls. Kenya as your safari destination is further away from West Africa than Europe or South America!

Infographic courtesy of The Safari Company

For a full update explaining why, according to latest medical advice from the World Health Organisation, Ebola is not considered to pose any risk to visitors to Kenya. See this statement issued by the Kenya Tourism Federation.

Whilst you are out there deciding on the fate of your holidays, let me give you some clue about what is happening on the ground here:

Porini Mara Camp and Porini Lion Camp guests are seeing the incredible wildebeest migration and loving the experiences of game drives in conservancies and I quote "because of the lack of crowds of cars and people, and also the landscape is spectacular!" Click here for more.

Porini Rhino Camp is celebrating the birth of new wild dog puppies in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy.

Porini Amboseli Camp has recently helped one of the schools in the area with a tree planting project!

Nairobi Tented Camp is enjoying incredible wildlife sightings including black rhino, lions, plains animals, monitor lizard and crocodile!What are you waiting for? Pack your bags, get on that plane and create a memory that will leave you with enough to say Why I Love Kenya.

With best wishes,


Aleema Noormohamed
Marketing Executive

Gamewatchers Safaris

World Responsible Tourism Awards


The World Responsible Tourism Awards started in 2004 to celebrate and inspire change in the tourism industry. One principle applies to these awards: that tourism can and should be organised in a way that preserves, respects and benefits destinations and local people. 2014 is going to mark the 11th anniversary of the awards. Gamewatchers Safaris and Porini Camps have been longlisted under the "Best in Wildlife Conservation" Category. This list will undergo its own judging process until the final short list whereby the judges combine their knowledge to debate the winners on their Judging Day. Once again, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continuous support and contributions to help us in our conservation efforts.

Porini Rhino Camp now has 7 tents

We are happy to announce that in order to continue offering high standards at our Porini Camps we’ve made a number of upgrades over the past few months. At Porini Rhino Camp we have replaced 3 of our older guest tents with 3 brand new tents and we have also added another new tent taking the number of guest tents from 6 to 7. This now allows us to take up to 14 guests but still keeping the camp small and intimate.

The 90,000 acre wildlife conservancy is situated within the foothills of Aberdares and the magnificent snowcapped Mount Kenya. Ol Pejeta Conservancy has an outstanding variety of animals including the Big Five, the endangered black rhino, the rare wild dogs species as well as a sanctuary for rescued chimpanzees and also incorporates the smaller Sweetwaters Game Reserve.

We have also recently received news of 10 wild dog puppies in the conservancy! Wild dogs are an endangered species that resemble wolves as they run along in a pack. Also known as African painted or Cape hunting dogs, the African wild dogs live in packs in which there is usually a dominant monogamous breeding pair. The female will have a litter of 2 to 20 pups, but the entire pack will look after them. These dogs are very unique in their social interaction as they also share food, and assist weaker members. They communicate by touch, actions and vocals.

This incredible photograph was taken by Denzil Mackrory, a regular visitor of the Ol Pejeta Conservancy and a big fan of wild dogs and wildlife conservation being undertaken in the conservancy. Photo courtesy of Ol Pejeta Conservancy

Porini Rhino Camp has also retained its silver eco rating certification.

Visit Porini Rhino Camp for a chance to see these incredible wild dogs amongst the BIG 5 and more. We have a SPLENDID safari – the African Splendours 12 night safari – that will take you through some of Kenya’s most unique parks and conservancies. You will stay in cosy and intimate tented camps through out your visit. You will not be disappointed as your safari remains personalised and you avoid the hordes of the mass market. See what some of our guests have to say on Trip Advisor.


Feature of the Month: Gamewatchers Safaris clients capture a rare event!

On a safari arranged by Gamewatchers Safaris, Michael and Mia Banks together with their son Kai were on a game drive along the river in Samburu National Reserve and saw an exciting struggle between a large crocodile and 3 lions. There was an elephant carcass in the river with a pride of lions on one side of the river bank and a crocodile on the other side with the elephant carcass in between them. What ensued next was a priceless moment caught on camera by Kai Banks when the dominant male lion in the area, Lguret, assisted by the lionesses Nanai and Nabulu took on the crocodile. (Note: Male lions in the hot arid areas of Kenya such as Samburu and Tsavo do not have the heavy manes of the male lions in the cooler savannah plains like the Mara).

Lions vs. Crocodile Fight - Samburu National Reserve, Kenya
Lions vs. Crocodile Fight – Samburu National Reserve, Kenya
Conservancy Update – Tree Planting at Iloirero Primary School

On 31st July, our long-time guest Penny Bosworth, returned to Kenya with her family on a safari to visit Ol Pejeta, Olare Motorogi and the Selenkay Conservancies.

Penny has made a generous donation to the Iloirero Primary School – located 20 minutes outside of the Selenkay conservancy in Amboseli – which allowed the school to put down new water piping along 320 metres of grounds between the nearby borehole and the schools 10,000 litre water tank. 300 tree seedlings were also purchased as part of a reforestation programme in the area. The children and community members had a great time planting the trees and we would like to thank Penny for her continued support of our community-outreach programmes. We look forward to seeing these trees grows for many years to come.


Action in Porini – Lions at Night

Night game drives are popular in our conservancies. These are opportunities to see the nocturnal wildlife that are usually evasive during the day time! They are also easier to spot since the light reflects off the crystal layer of the eyes of most mammals. However, do note that as humans tend to freeze when white light is shone upon them at night, an animal’s reaction is six times more sensitive! Further more, shining a white light at night can be disruptive to a night time hunt, and can cause temporary blindness in many animals. So what does Porini use?

On a night game drive in our conservancies, our guides use a red light source, by putting a filter over the white light, to locate wildlife. Red light does not affect animal behaviour as animals also only have 2 pigments in their cone cells making them partially colour blind! Thus many mammals will not even see the red spotlight being shone on them. See below some of the Action in Porini during night game drives.

Night game drive in Selenkay Conservancy spotted by Porini Amboseli Camp
Out in the wild, the King of the Jungle feasts at night – Porini Mara Camp captures this in Ol Kinyei Conservancy
Fine dining with the whole family in the Olare Motorogi Conservancy, spotted by Porini Lion Camp
Rolling on the grass floor is the best way to relieve an itchy back, spotted in Ol Kinyei Conservancy

Ol Kinyei Lion Pride Roars!

The Ol Kinyei lion pride roaring at night, recorded by Rustom Framjee on a night drive from Porini Mara Camp. Turn up the volume to hear one of the unique sounds of Africa!

About us – Introducing the Gamewatchers BLOG page

Blogging is the norm today. Everyone and anyone can be a blogger, and everyone and anyone is a blogger. What is the point of a Gamewatchers Blog? The Gamewatchers Blog page is going to be used as another outlet to allow potential and repeat clients to visualize what we see and do in Kenya. There are constant news, updates, and exciting information that we would like to share with the world, and putting it up as a blog, makes it more immediate in sharing with readers a realistic first hand experience!

If you have been on a safari with us and would like to share a report of your wildlife sightings and especially photographs, please let us know and we will be happy to post this up on our blog page with your name and the date of your safari. You can send in your stories to Aleema at aleema

So stay with us, and keep a constant eye on our new blog page to keep up to date with the unfolding mysteries and journeys that Gamewatchers Safaris has in store for you!

You can connect with us at


In This Issue
Porini Rhino Camp
Lions VS Crocodile
Conservancy Update – School Uniforms
Action in Porini – Lions at Night
About Us – Introducing our Blog Page


Wilderness to Coast:
8 nights 9 days going from Maasai Mara to the beach
starting from USD$ 2,415

Kenya Jubilee Safari:
6 nights 7 days exploring Tsavo, Amboseli and Maasai Mara
starting from USD$ 2,465

Kenya Escapes Safari & Beach:
11 nights 12 days exploring the very best Kenya has to offer
starting from USD$ 3,930


Mara Wildebeest Migration:
5 nights 6 days exploring 3 incredible conservancies of Ol Kinyei, Naboisho and Olare Motorogi
starting from $2,195


Mara Adventure Camping:
3 nights 4 days
USD $1,260

Amboseli Adventure Camping:
3 nights 4 days
USD $1,260

Adventure Camping:
6 nights 7 days
USD $1,995


Highlights of Tanzania:

5 nights 6 days exploring Lake Manyara, Serengeti and Ngorongoro
starting from USD $2,385

Highlights of Tanzania and Zanzibar:

9 nights 10 days exploring Lake Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro and Zanzibar

starting from USD$ 3,325

Kenya and Tanzania Safari:

9 nights 10 days exploring Selenkay, Amboseli, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro and Central Serengeti

Starting from USD$ 5,375

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Gamewatchers Safaris | Village Market Complex | Nairobi | Kenya