#News #Updates from the #Laikipia #Wildlife Forum

In our July Edition….
Solar-Powered Fence Takes Shape in Arjiju Village
Margaret Wambua- LWF Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Wilfred Mejooli-Makuarian Rangelands Coordinator and Senteu Ole Kimiri-ILMAMUSI CFA Manager take a walk along the pole line erected around settlement area in Arjiju Village.Community members residing in Arjiju Village, Mukogodo, have lived in harmony with elephants for decades. But due to changes in land use over the years, food security and population growth, Maasai communities have started practising small-scale agriculture.

Yet, Arjiju Village has not enjoyed a full maize crop harvest because of elephants raids on their farms. With the village located at the periphery of Mukogodo forest, humans, livestock and wildlife share common resources such as water and pasture. Owing to competition for these resources, persistent Human-Elephant Conflicts(HEC) have been witnessed

A solar-powered fence on the Mukogodo landscape seeks to reduce the occurrence and frequency of Human-Elephant Conflict. Read More >>>

Lessons from Farmers’ Day in Laikipia and Meru Counties
Kisima Farmers’ Day
Mutara Farmers’ Trip
The Farmer’s Field Day at the Kisima Farmin Meru County brought together exhibitors and farmers from the counties of Meru, Laikipia and Isiolo.

The Day’s theme was “Promote Innovative Technology for Enhanced Agriculture” and the event involved over 35 agricultural exhibitors, where farmers learnt about effective techniques of increasing water productivity in agriculture.

MKEWP helped 52 farmers from Mutara and Suguroi WRUAs in Laikipia to attend the farmer’s field day through the SNV-Smart Water for Agriculture program

The Water Resource User Associations (WRUAs) from Mutara and Suguroi in Laikipia County rely on irrigation for farming and often experience hard times in the dry months of the year.

Farmers met with extension officers from the Ministry of Agriculture who shared with them skills on rainwater harvesting, storage and effective water use.

The Farmer’s Day was supported by Fauna and Flora International (FFI) through funding by the Darwin Initiative...Read More>>>

New Leadership for the MKEWP Council: Moses Muthoki and George Kobia are elected!
Mr Moses Muthoki is the Head of Community Department at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy
Mr George Kobia is Meru County Chief Officer for Water
Mount Kenya Ewaso Water Partnership held its third Council meeting of 2018 and for the first time since its establishment, the council resolved to have two individuals occupying the position of chair.

The post of deputy chairperson was annulled and council approved to have representation from both private and government as co-chairs. This decision is in spirit of partnership from which MKEWP’s establishment was based.

Mr Moses Muthoki, the Head of Community Department of Ol Pejeta Conservancy), and Mr George Kobia, Chief Officer for Water for Meru County) were both proposed and unanimously voted as the new chairpersons of MKEWP CouncilRead More>>>

MKEWP Council members after their meeting on 6th July 2018
County Government engages Laikipia Tourism Association over formation of a tourism board
The County Government of Laikipiahosted an engagement and consultative meeting with the private sector in Nanyuki to mark the first steps to developing a Public Private Partnership (PPP) for tourism.

The Laikipia Tourism Association (LTA) joined the County Government in consultations on how best to promote sustainable tourism and to discuss the formation of a Laikipia Tourism Board.

The eventual Board will be an interface between the Public and the Private Sectors in Laikipia.
The LTA, through its Executive Committee urged the County Executive to expedite the passage of Laikipia County Tourism Billwhich will form the basis of strategies for sustainability in the tourism sector...Read More>>>

In Case You Missed It!
Mount Kenya – Ewaso Water Partnership – MKEWP coordinator Stanley Kirimi chats with Prof Robert Chamber- Keynote speaker of 41st WEDC Conference held at Egerton University. The Water, Engineering and Development Centre – WEDC, is a comprehensive and interactive learning event, which provides development for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector professionals. MKEWP was among Watershed Partners to participate in the week-long event.