Newsletter: Climate Report, New Camp, and More

News updates from the Ewaso Lions


March 2015

Climate Report: Adapting to Rapidly Changing Conditions

In recent months, Samburu has faced extreme dry conditions. This has elevated tensions among local people, and created a complex landscape for human-lion conflict. Within just one month, we went from digging water holes for people and wildlife, to celebrating the arrival of water in the dried-up Ewaso Nyiro River. In a place like Samburu, the effects of climate change are being felt on multiple levels. So Ewaso Lions is learning to adapt our objectives in light of these challenging conditions. Photo: wet elephants during the first rains last week

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8a3eb47b-12cd-483e-8e84-0130a34626c7.jpgA New Home for Ewaso Lions

Our new Camp is officially finished and we’ve moved in! We can’t even describe how much this will change our lives – and our work – for the better. No more carrying water by wheelbarrows multiple times a day. No more driving 20 minutes to send email. With new tents, a proper kitchen, solar power, and an office space, we are excited about entering a new era where we spend less time repairing old tents, and more time doing conservation! We are deeply thankful to the three donors who have made the new Ewaso Lions Conservation Centre possible.

Explore the new Camp »

6be68e54-7e8b-4fda-b6be-97ce864ac0ef.jpgMeet Our New Sponsored Students

Mellarny’s family could not afford to pay for her school tuition, so her hopes of advancing her education were dashed. But through Ewaso Lions, Mellarny (pictured) can now go to secondary school with all four years of tuition covered. France is a bright young man who was so dedicated to his education that he was willing to repeat a year to bring up his scores in order to qualify for our scholarship. We are proud of our two new students and eager to see them grow.

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c98a9299-0992-47e2-8e46-f7b85689b2cd.jpgNew Paper Published

We are pleased to announce that Alayne – our Research Director – has a published article on lion spatial use in human dominated landscapes. The article appears in the peer-reviewed journal Animal Behaviour. This work used GPS technology so see how lions change their movements and activities around people. The results show that lions adjust their activities temporally to avoid being detected by people. Lions are more likely to be active in human-occupied areas when people are most likely to be asleep. This could affect lion survival by reducing their hunting success and increasing their energy expenditure. Click through to download a copy of the article. Congratulations, Alayne!

Read more and download the paper »



Copyright © 2015 Ewaso Lions
Kenya: PO Box 14996, Nairobi 00800, Kenya
USA: Wildlife Conservation Network, 209 Mississippi St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
All photos © Ewaso Lions.

Ewaso Lions · 209 Mississippi St · San Francisco, CA 94107 · USA
