No 234 Wildlife Trade News 11th October 2014

More gory details of the destruction left by poaching andillegal wildlife trade … time to act …

in the spotlight today ……………………

Chinese chamber of commerce at heart of wildlife trafficking route (Cambodia)

No 234 Wildlife Trade News 11th October 2014

Blood ivory on Sri Lanka’s hands extract: Sri Lanka has been urged to ­destroy a huge stockpile of blood ivory seized more than two years ago, amid fears the President intends to place it under his control. (NA comment: Every bit as suspicious as the ivory stashed away (or sold) in Malaysia – and CITES is suspected to be looking for a way to let Malaysia off the hook – again.)

Mozambique’s Frelimo accused of timber smuggling to fund campaign extract: Maputo (AFP) – Mozambique’s ruling Frelimo party boosted campaign funds for upcoming elections by smuggling timber to Chinese buyers, a local watchdog has charged. (NA comment: is there any illegal logging or wildlife trade that does not have connections with China?)

China’s internet companies join wildlife trade battle

Over 100 elephants died in Kerala in last 9 months, study says

Activists allege illegal transfer of elephants in Kerala

Seized pangolins saved by Vietnam’s conservation program comment: We were just thinking, wouldn’t it be great to see such a poster from say, for example, a Cameroon based NGO group? Cameroon’s illegal wildlife trade is rampant but rarely exposed. At least in Vietnam and Cambodia we read of NGOs there doing good work against all the odds and they appear to have a Conservation Programme.)

Hunting pangolins as easy as 1,2,3 (Pakistan)


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Stricter domestic measures regarding import of African elephant ivory (CITES)

Second tiger freed by Putin found near Sino-Russian border

Kaziranga: Poaching, highway traffic, unplanned tourism ring alarm bells in IUCN – See more at:

The deadly snake trade: Venomous reptiles sold online, shipped on passenger planes (USA)

Sarawak moratorium on timber licences (NA comment: If the headline is true and IF this is enforced it should be considered a miracle.

Johannesburg Zoo confirms accreditation suspended

China hosts the second training seminar on CITES implementation and wildlife conservation for Africa countries (NA comment: The Chinese telling African’s how to cook the books? China, the world’s biggest illegal wildlife consumer, claiming to train others on what (not) to look for? Rather like the selectively blind teaching the blind, don’t you think?

Can Peru Control the Murderous Resource Rush on its Forest Frontiers?

The Smartphone Apps That Let Cops Track Down Illegal Wildlife Products An environmental group has developed a digital taxonomist to help police in Afghanistan and China identify trade in protected animals.

Elephant carcass found in Odisha forest

What Does Democracy Have to Do With Protecting Indonesia’s Environment?

In Pictures: The decline of Philippine tuna
Unregulated fishing is threatening the collapse of the tuna industry, conservationists say.

$1.48 Million Funding Available for African Elephant Conservation Fund
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that it expects to award a maximum of 25 cooperative agreement grants for the conservation of the African elephant.

Green groups want Jokowi to redefine growth (Indonesia)

Zebra, Crocodile, and Antelope, Oh My! You won’t believe what’s on this South African restaurant’s menu

US Offers Peru Support to Fight Illegal Logging

At lion rescue centre, cubs yanked out of cage by visitors (India)

Illegal Somali charcoal exports fuel Islamist rebels, warlords