No 264 Wildlife Trade News 13th November 2014

Your daily dose of bad news about the global poaching scourge but also
about wildlife and environmental crimes

under the spotlight today ……………………

How SADC is Fighting Wildlife Crime MALAWI "We are underpaid, have no guns and in most instances are outnumbered by the poachers," says Stain Phiri, a ranger at Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve. A 986 km reserve said to have the most abundant and a variety of wildlife in Malawi which also happens to be one of the country’s biggest game parks under siege by poachers.He says he is paid a monthly field allowance equivalent to about 20 dollars dollars, which is not enough to take care of his family of six.

"My colleagues and I risk our lives everyday protecting wildlife and it seems we are not appreciated because even when we arrest poachers, the police release them," says Phiri.

NA comment: Rangers risk their lives daily, while CITES/UNEP civil servants risk little more than upsetting China once in a lifetime – if they ever do. It’s not fair and it’s not right, is it?

“Fifty-six rangers have lost their lives in the line of duty in the last 12 months, 29 of whom have been killed by poachers, according to the latest information released today by the International Ranger Federation, which has been monitoring ranger deaths since 2000. Last year’s death toll has reached 102, with poachers and militia responsible for 69 of those deaths.”

“Those who have the privilege to know

have the duty to act.”
? Albert Einstein

No 264 Wildlife Trade News 13th November 2014

Corruption has been allowed to fester. MALAYSIA extract: In this example, it is the handiwork of influential members of the administrative elite in a cosy partnership with powerful, almost always, titled gangsters controlling illegal logging and the highly lucrative farming for export business. Illegal land clearing for farming, whether privately owned, or worse, government land, can apparently be carried out with impunity under the protection of the authorities. (NA comment: It is the same corruption that has allowed the illegal wildlife and ivory trade to prosper in Malaysia; well known about by CITES for about two decades.)

MALAYSIA: Wildlife enforcement officials seized 43 pangolins which they found during an inspection of a car at the Malaysia-Thailand border checkpoint on Monday. One person has been arrested. Traffic SE Asia

Europe Turning Blind Eye to Illegal Timber: Greenpeace – EXTRACT: Authorities in Europe have been accused of turning a blind eye to the importation of illegal timber from the Brazilian Amazon. In a stinging rebuke, Greenpeace said that despite warnings about rampant practices of illegal logging earlier this year, shipments from illegal operations in Brazil continue to land on European shores. – See more at:

Mombasa authorities inspect ship, hold two for ivory smuggling

‘MR BAKUN’ DR M, join the Baram Blockade if sincere about fighting corruption & deforestation! MALAYSIA
Full article:

Taib behind major Ottawa development SARAWAK/MALAYSIA

Tanzania Calls for International Support Against Poaching (NA comment: have you ever heard such an insecure call for help? maybe the authorities are thinking, if they have the good guys onside it will help them protect the bad guys?)

The Chinese Poachers: A Good Source of Red Coral – and Information. Is there more to the Chinese red coral poachers in Japan’s EEZ waters than meets the eye?

The Schanfar Side: How to appropriately place blame on environmental criminals

Esscom now helping to protect wildlife (Sabah)

Sumatra. courtesy RAN

Bid to smuggle rare green turtles abroad foiled (Pakistan)

Tanzania seeking to deploy DT-18 UAVs in anti-poaching war

Government of Gabon Announces the Decision to Create A New Marine Protected Area Network — Covering About 23 Percent of Gabon’s Territorial Waters and EEZ

Peru’s forests store more CO2 than US emits in a year, research shows

courtesy RAN

‘Wood smuggling rampant in Gujarat’

Australia talks the talk, but will it walk the walk to save rainforests?

Local people are not the enemy: real conservation from the frontlines Peru

Zambian Tour Operators Win Awards extract: ZAMBIAN tour operators have scooped 10 awards in the recently held 2015 Safari competition held in London. The Zambian tour operators scooped the awards in the categories of best safari experience in Africa, best walking safari, best new camp in Africa, best value safari property, African Park.

Illegal extensions at farms in Cameron Highlands flattened MALAYSIA

Reducing deforestation is good for business, argues report

MPR speaker faces more questions from KPK. INDONESIA

Dual Defence INDONESIA/MALAYSIA. EXTRACT INDONESIA Palm Oil Board (IPOB), the umbrella body of Indonesia’s palm oil sector, wants to join hands with Malaysia to fight smear campaigns that intend “to kill the growth of oil palm plantings”.

RSPO to convene amid positive response. extract: Some 800 delegates from 30 countries will gather at the 12th annual conference of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in Kuala Lumpur, beginning on Tuesday, to discuss the market response to sustainable palm oil and the impact of RSPO-certified palm oil on consumer behavior.

South Africa moots legalising trade in rhino horn as one in 20 killed

In ‘Virunga,’ rangers risk death to save Africa’s oldest national park

Presence of tigers in Gadchiroli calls for total recall

Red Sanders Truck Rams another Truck on ORR

The Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project

Special Reporting Opportunity: Government Crackdowns on Civil Environmental Groups

Mapping mistake leaves wildlife at risk DRC