No 266 Wildlife Trade News 15th November 2014

Your daily dose of bad news about the increase in poaching, wildlife and
environmental crimes from around the world

under the spotlight today ……………………

Oliver dies hand-in-paw with his carers: Celebrity bear who symbolised fight against cruel torture of bile farms dies in embrace with women who rescued him

  • Oliver survived 30 years in captivity on a bile farm in China and beat the odds to live four more years of freedom after being rescued

Emotional: Downton Abbey star Lesley Nicol was moved to tears by the sight of him shuffling around his enclosure when she visited the Animals Asia sanctuary in Chengdu in Chengdu sanctuary in June

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No 266 Wildlife Trade News 15th November 2014


How many reports on the illegal ivory and rhino horn trade do you think have been published in the past three years – and at what expense? Go on, have a guess – it’s sure to be an underestimate anyway.

Is there any evidence of a single report – or conference, having saved even one elephant? Keep in mind

And how many meetings, conferences, workshops etc do you think have been held on these very same subjects in the last three years?

Would it be fair to say over the last decade or two tens of millions of dollars have been spent on reports, conferences etc without them making any difference whatsoever? (It’s exactly what has happened with orangutans, tigers, rhinos isn’t it?) And how much money has been spent in trying to stop demand in consumer countries like China, USA, Vietnam, Thailand? A few thousand bucks, maybe?

Does it feel to you as if some people make a career out of report writing and attending events? This, at a time, when unarmed park rangers in Malawi are paid $1 a day to fight off poachers.

Flying under the radar in Central Africa, Chinese companies may be wreaking environmental havoc – See more at:

Illegal ivory may not be funding African terror group

Hong Kong needs to do better in illegal wildlife trade fight

New Guidelines Issued To Counter ‘Critically High’ Levels Of Elephant Poaching In Africa

Kudat mini zoo comes under criticism SABAH/MALAYSIA (NA comment: will the zoo owner be prosecuted for illegal possession of endangered species? Highly unlikely – it’s never happened yet in Malaysia. We will let you know if Sabah’s authorities break the habit of a lifetime.

Mini zoo in Kudat a torture chamber for animals SABAH/MALAYSIA

Save Elephants from Ivory Smuggling in China

Many tons of elephant ivory was allegedly smuggled back to China on an official state visit to Tanzania. Demand that Chinese officials investigate accusations that they contributed to the massive poaching problem that is wiping out African elephants.

The EU must act to stamp out the illegal wildlife trade

Tanzania to impose tougher penalties against wildlife poachers

“Please do not kill endangered species” SOUTH AFRICA

South Africa: No Decision On Rhino Horn Trade

Belgium authorities impound Rainbow Trading’s illegal timber (NA comment: WELL DONE GREENPEACE)

EXTRACT: With so much evidence on the table, it is clear European companies shouldn’t be buying from Rainbow Trading. This story is far from over. Rainbow Trading’s illegal timber must be permanently confiscated and the companies that imported it must be sanctioned for disregarding the law.

Kenya: Outcry as oil explorers now enter coast’s biggest forest – See more at: (NA comment: behind all this oil exploration is a company from ………………………………….yep, CHINA.)

Kenya: Why We Are Opposed to Oil Exploration in Arabuko EXTRACT: Arabuko-Sokoke is the largest remaining fragment of the East African coastal forests, holding the last populations of some endangered birds and mammals. Environmentalists say the impending oil survey in Arabuko Sokoke in Kilifi might leave an irreparable damage to the forest.

Kenya: We won’t touch any tree in Arabuko Sokoke – Camac


……..immediately enact Rule 19 of the Standing Committee’s procedural rules on this page of the Convention’s website

“Notice of meetings shall normally be given by the

Secretariat at least 75 days, and in case of emergency

meetings at least 14 days, in advance of the meeting.

………and call an EMERGENCY MEETING to discuss CITES response to this

most alarming report and the still out of control trade in ivory and rhino horn?

It can’t wait until next August, can it? Please give the elephants and rhinos a fighting chance of survival: Will you? It’s not much to ask, is it? It’s a question of life or death for the elephants and rhinos.

Gang with links to international wildlife trade busted in STR . INDIA The gang was killing animals in the wild, and their body parts were exported to China through Bangladesh, he said.

Watch: Can Drones Help Save Wildlife Around the World?

Man fined for Illegal ammo ZAMBIA

Land Rover Logistics Provide Continuing Vital Support To’
Born Free Foundation’ Projects In Saving Kenyan Wildlife

Timber smuggling shrinks Dhubri forests

4 leopards found dead at Manesar golf course INDIA

RI needs special body to tackle rising palm oil challenges

Call of the Orangutan: Injuries and Their Limitations

McDonald’s Palm Oil Commitment Fails on National Fast Food Day

Gabon Announces World’s Newest Underwater Reserve, Rich in Threatened Wildlife

From SeaWorld to koala petting parks: Rights group launches ‘Trip Advisor for animals’ website with reviews of wildlife attractions around the world

  • Care for the Wild International has launched the Zoo Review website
  • The site will give TripAdvisor-style ratings to animal attractions
  • Zoo Review launches with reviews of ten Thailand parks and zoos
  • Ratings range from ‘best in class’ to ‘unacceptable’

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Ministry mulls revoking certification requirement (logging/Indonesia)

Camerons folk lament uncertain future while remembering pristine hills MALAYSIA den Regenwald e.V. Weiterleiten:
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Elefanten sterben für Chinas Gier nach Elfenbein
Kriminelle Banden wildern so viele Elefanten wie noch nie (Foto: Nuria Ortega/African Parks Network)

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Regenwaldes,

chinesische Elfenbein-Schmuggler sind verantwortlich für den Tod tausender Elefanten in Afrika. Selbst die Delegation von Staatspräsident Xi Jinping soll laut einer Studie in illegale Geschäfte verwickelt sein. Schmuggelgut sei in Diplomatengepäck außer Landes geschafft worden. Mitarbeiter der Botschaft gehörten regelmäßig zu den besten Kunden lokaler Händler.

Insbesondere in Tansania hat die Wilderei für den chinesischen Markt dramatische Ausmaße angenommen. Allein 2013 sind mehr als 10.000 Elefanten illegal getötet worden – 30 Tiere am Tag.

Um das Morden zu beenden, müssen die Absatzmärkte für Elfenbein ausgetrocknet werden. Eine Schlüsselrolle kommt dabei China zu. Bitte fordern Sie Staatspräsident Xi Jinping auf, den Schmuggel mit Elfenbein zu verhindern.


Freundliche Grüße und herzlichen Dank

Reinhard Behrend
Rettet den Regenwald e. V.
Bald Vergangenheit? Elefanten in der Savanne Foto: flickr/cetp (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Der Einsatz für die Natur ist nicht umsonst

Ob in Tansania, Kenia oder Mosambik: In ganz Afrika sind Elefanten in Gefahr. Doch mutige Einheimische, Ranger und Umweltschutzorganisationen kämpfen gegen die Verbrecher und für die Dickhäuter. Häufig sind sie den Kriminellen jedoch unterlegen, weil zu wenig Geld da ist, Patrouillen zu bezahlen und politisch Druck zu machen. Mit Ihrer Spende können Sie die Aktivisten in Afrika, aber auch in anderen Kontinenten, unterstützen.


Herzlichen Dank

Reinhard Behrend

Rettet den Regenwald e.V.

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