The daily dose of bad news, with some very graphic images included which may
not be to everyone’s taste … poaching,
wildlife and environmental crimes from around
the world …
in the spotlight today ……………………
Reduction in ivory trade reported. THAILAND extract: “There remain just 339 ivory traders in Thailand.” (NA comment: Probably worth reading this news report with a healthy dose of scepticism. Maybe it is a coincidence, but the globetrotting CITES Secretary General is in Thailand this week to discuss the ivory trade. Besides, how the hell can 339 people/businesses still be allowed to trade in ivory – and Thailand remain a member of CITES? Do you believe the secretariat will find a way to accommodate Thailand? SEE BELOW FOR THE ANSWER.)
No 284 Wildlife Trade News 4th December 2014
Cites chief wants ivory-crackdown results EXTRACT: The secretary-general of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Cites) expressed his satisfaction Wednesday with Thailand’s National Ivory Action Plan (Niap)….
- “Animals stunts are widely popular at zoos and animal parks across China”
- “But animals are routinely beaten and abused to make shows happen”
New report shows Bangkok market is hub of illegal trade in endangered tortoises from around the world. (NA comment: This market has been well known and documented for at least a decade, but STILL the illegal trade in wildlife has been allowed to continue. The market is on the doorstep of the ASEAN-WEN office.
Qualifying for the Antique Exception to the Ivory Ban
How The Illegal Wildlife Trade Exploits Human Rights
The EU increased its imports of Ukrainian timber by a quarter in 2014
Amazon forests at risk from both legal and illegal activities Lima climate conference hears 20 per cent of tropical forests across Amazonia are in peril
After Being Tortured by Villagers, Rescued Orphaned Orangutan Gets Second Chance at Life in the Wild
The victims of the illegal wildlife trade
No more than 75 Sumatran rhinos remaining in wild
Pangolin rendezvous. NAMIBIA
Armed to the teeth, the heroes fighting to save elephants – from terrorists: A dramatic and very personal dispatch from the frontline of an increasingly bloody conflict against poachers funding fanatics
Africa: Arusha Summit Heightens Cooperation Against Wildlife Trafficking
Dept probes death of female elephant . SABAH / MALAYSIA
Animals teetering on edge of extinction captured in breathtaking series of photos
COP20: Peruvian institution in charge of forest and wildlife oversight attends conferences
After Years Of Criticism, Palm Oil Tycoons Promise Greener Future
Malaysia – and CITES unforgivable failure to sanction these and other countries.
Do you agree?
PHOTO: Daphne Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.