The daily dose of bad news about poaching, wildlife and environmental crimes
from around the world …
in the spotlight today ……………………
Elephant charities. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Over the past three years, NGOs have launched multi-million dollar campaigns to highlight the plight of Africa’s elephants and raise funds to halt their slaughter. Yet elephants remain under siege, with some 100,000 elephants lost to poaching in that time alone. Jane Edge navigates the philanthropic world and highlights its wastage, as well as its successes in protecting Africa’s giants. EXTRACT: With hundreds of NGOs proclaiming to protect elephants, how do philanthropists decide who to support? The answer is not easy, and the givers themselves are often motivated by personal goals, simply wishing to feel virtuous with an easy click and credit-card swipe entry on a website. NGO websites encourage this approach: for a few dollars, you can supposedly sponsor an orphaned elephant or equip a park ranger. But how much of the money really goes there?
No 386 Wildlife Trade News: 18th April
Jakarta’s notorious wildlife markets EXTRACT “ …to rid Jakarta once and for all of its international reputation as a haven for wildlife crime. – See more at:
31 more rhino carcasses found in Namibia’s game park. SHAME ON CITES, CHINA AND VIETNAM
Only three Sumatran rhinos left in Sabah. (NA comment: Unique species let down by the Sabah Wildlife Department, its minister, and local NGOs too reluctant/lazy to speak up and take action while there was still time to save this species. In Sabah, NGOs, scientists and the government, like nothing more than a conference or workshop to chat about disappearing wildlife.)
Masidi: Only three Sumatran rhinos left in Sabah (Why did he not attempt to save them when there was still time? This has happened on his watch.)
Five myths about illegal wildlife trafficking
Hong Kong government ‘aiding and abetting’ illegal ivory trade, 50 wildlife groups say. (NA comment: Definitely a headline you will never see on the CITES web site or Facebook page, even though this was published in China. Does this mean the CITES Secretariat apply more censorship than even the Chinese media and government?)
Zimbabwe selling baby elephant calves to China, says environmental group
Zimbabwe Selling Baby Elephant Calves to China
The 181st Party: the European Union The CITES Secretariat is pleased to welcome the European Union as the 181st Party to CITES. (NA COMMENT: What a good match. EU scroungers and loafers will feel at home attending CITES meetings….they’ll do anything to be able to enjoy more business class travel to pointless ‘talking shops’ in exotic overseas locations while enjoying 5* hotels. Just a shame it’s all been such a pointless waste of time and wildlife so far, isn’t it? If you happen to think CITES officials are a bunch of underachievers, EU officials make them look like amateurs.)
Vietnamese man shares illegal logging video on Facebook, gets investigated
Kenya commissions wildlife forensic and genetics lab to tackle poaching
2015 Rhino Conservation Awards to honour rangers on the front-line
Wildlife Authority Arrest 5 Poachers At Navura In Ibba County. SUDAN
30% rise in tiger population: Reality or victory only on paper?
Shun illegal wildlife trade. ZAMBIA
Tamed elephant dies in central Vietnam; slash found on body
Chef detained for killing endangered pangolin. CHINA
Namibia: Rhino Trust Staff Not Involved in Poaching
Canada seal hunting: Shocking images expose brutality of commercial slaughter
Demand for rubber from tyre manufacturers is causing ‘catastrophic’ damage to the world’s forests and their endangered species, experts warn
- Up to 21 million acres of jungle will be torn down in the next decade alone
- University of East Anglia research says forest species at risk from industry
- Rising demand for rubber tyres for cars and planes driving deforestation
Elephant kills professional significant game hunter in Zimbabwe
Jokowi’s defense of former industry criticized. INDONESIA. EXTRACT: If what Soenoto said was true, it would constitute a major setback in the country’s attempts to combat rampant illegal logging, Indonesian Independent Forest Monitoring Network (JPIK) national coordinator Mardi Minangsari said on Friday. – See more at: