No 511 Wildlife Trade News: 16th September 2015

Yes, another dose of bad news … a never
ending story of poaching, wildlife and
environmental crimes …

in the spotlight today ……………………

The economy of Sabah, Malaysia, relies heavily on wildlife and yet this is another (only the latest one) example of how Sabah’s government and wildlife department pay lip service to protecting animals in zoos and as well as what’s left in the wild.


How can a zoo be permitted by the Sabah Wildlife Department to become this bad?

Inside the ‘Zoo from Hell’: A schoolboy kicks a frightened monkey’s tiny metal cage as a crocodile languishes in a concrete pool of its own urine, fed on dead dogs
Read more:

We have seen a lot of bad zoos in Malaysia, but this one is currently the worst.

It wasn’t long ago we also reported on the equally shocking crocodile farm in Sabah.

Lok Kawi Zoo remains an embarrassment to Sabah.

The Shangri-La Resort is allowed to keep and profit from baby orangutans – a ‘protected’ species.

The rhino is going extinct.

Turtles are massacred and no one prosecuted.

Elephants are poisoned en-masse and – no one was ever prosecuted.


Is there still worse to be revealed? Hmmnn.

Victims of the wildlife trade.

This, in a country that promotes itself as an environmental paradise.

Faced with starving as well as thirsty animals the NGO went and bought food and water to provide them

with their first meal and drink in days. The food and water provisions were repeated for a second day. What’s

happening to the animals now? Ask Minister Masidi Manjun masidi.manjun

Minister Masidi Manjun

You can look the other way, but you can never say you did not know – or have been told countless times about the relentless abuse of wildlife in Sabah, can you?

No 511 Wildlife Trade News: 16th September 2015

THAILAND: Exclusive: The tusk Activists call for ‘cruel’ orangutan boxing to be banned

KUWAIT: Smuggled orangutan safely sent home

SA exposed as a lion bone trade capital. Over 7 000 lions are bred in enclosed facilities for trophy hunting in South Africa.

‘Measured in human lives’: report finds EU and logging companies complicit in funding war

Ivory trade laid bare

INDONESIA: From conflict to partnership, a Kalimantan community and logging company manage the forest together


The palm oil plantations powering communities and tackling climate change. Palm oil mills are generating electricity using waste methane to the benefit of local communities and company profits

Activist arrested while illegal loggers chop away at Madagascar’s forests

More than a year after Madagascar’s president vowed to stop the “evil” of illicit rosewood and ebony exports, the only related arrest the country has made is that of Armand Marozafy, an environmental activist and ecotourism guide who was convicted of defamation for naming two local businessmen he believed to be involved in rosewood trafficking.

Is it possible to save Congo’s parrots?

© Illdefonse

Why oppose zero deforestation?

Prince William applauds the champions of Africa battling to save its endangered wildlife

INDIA: Unarmed man braves poachers’ bullets

COBRA initiative enhances partnership in fighting transnational wildlife crime

Zim hunter in more hot water

The Netherlands: Ban on wild animals in circus

Elephant poaching: tiger protection force deployed at M.M. Hills

California: Be a Champion for Elephants and Rhinos

Dogs and Informants Track Down Elephant’s Killers

Target, Costco, Grupo Bimbo adopt new palm oil policies

Synthetic rhino horns could alter black market

Zimbabwe arrests man linked to Cecil killer on new wildlife charges

Global marine populations halved since 1970, WWF warns

Education for Nature – Vietnam (ENV) Wildlife trader caught red-handed!

Four mouse deer were rescued this morning from the cages of a street vendor in Ho Chi Minh City. This success is possible thanks to information from a member of the public who saw the mouse deer being advertised, as well as the swift action of the local police. The animals have already been transferred to a nearby rescue center.

BORNEO: Bizarre lizard newest victim of reptile pet trade

107 Charged for Lighting Dozens of Forest Fires Across Indonesia