Not yet time for the beer festivals but it is ‘Dampfnudel’ time


(Posted 19th May 2019)


What the heck is a Dampfnudel may some of you ask. Well, read on to find out more about this regional recipe from the south of Germany, parts of France and of course Austria.
But first to the festival thing:

Starting in summer and into autumn are beer festivals well known in Germany, led by the Oktoberfest and the Cannstatter Wasen in Stuttgart though every town worth its salt these days has their own, smaller or bigger version of it though none as large and globally well known as the former two.
Late spring normally is not the time one would expect to sit out on benches under sun umbrellas or in the shade of trees, given the cold weather this year although there have been better years with summer temperatures as early as April and May.


Therefore will the idea of a Dampfnudel Festival, offering HOT food, be most welcome and next Sunday, the 25th of May, will the local Carnival Society called GroKaGe hold this event for the 5th time.
The location is well chosen, close to the small Graf Kuno Museum, which is dedicated to the local carnival traditions, above the main part of the city, in other words a location with a view.

Local wines and beers too will be served but the main focus will be on the (large) buns made of yeasty dough and baked in a cast iron pan, using pigs fat according to my own grandmother’s recipe, which makes the bottom of the buns come out crisp and slightly salty and leave their main body soft and chewy.
Of course are different versions available, including the sweet variety, often served with a drizzle of vanilla sauce or various home made fruit syrups for those who have a sweet tooth or three.


(Weather permitting this year this will be the setting for the event at the ‘Belvedere

Pictures from the event will follow, weather permitting of course, via my regular social media pages.