NRT January 2016 update from the Northern Rangelands Trust

News from the Northern Rangelands Trust about
 their acitivites in Northern Kenya

Welcome to Wild Frontiers! Here are three snippets of NRT from January:

Elephant collaring: NRT, Save the Elephants, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy and the Kenya Wildlife Service collared elephants in Marsabit last month. This will allow us to gather valuable data on elephant movements, and help shape conservation practices. Check out the photo album.



Sera community clean-up: With the Sera Rhino Sanctuary in full operation, the Sera community are now looking to build their ecotourism product. This month, they decided to come together for a day to tidy up the grounds of what they hope will be a thriving tourist site. Read more.


New uniforms for anti-poaching squads: NRT’s elite anti-poaching squads, 9-1 and 9-2, received brand new uniforms from Running for Rangers this month. Running for Rangers is a group who test their bodies to the limit, enduring ultra-marathons and other endurance races, all to raise money and awareness for northern Kenya’s wildlife guardians. Find out more.


=============== Photo of the Month ===============

NRT’s Director of Conservation Ian Craig photographed a fascinating herd of maneless zebra in Ishaqbini Conservancy. They are completely isolated and hundreds of miles away from other populations of this species. Perhaps they have evolved to be maneless due to the hot and humid climate? If you have a theory, we’d love to hear from you. 

NRT would like to thank the following principal donors for their core programme support