Ol Pejeta needs you!

The Ol Pejeta Conservancy
needs your help … do you fit
the profile?

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Ol Pejeta needs you!
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Dear Friend of Ol Pejeta:
Join the Ol Pejeta Test Panel
Ol Pejeta is looking for volunteers to join our test panel. The test panel is being created so that we can get some wider views on some of the ideas we have to take the conservancy forward. This is our way of involving you more in the work we do, and asking you what you think of some of our innovative ideas.

It will be fun and it will mean you are helping us making some pretty important decisions. We hope you consider joining our panel!

Right now, if you want to join the panel, all we need is for you to answer some profile questions to help us better understand our future surveys.

After that we will be sending out our first survey in a week’s time.

Click here to start.

Thank you for taking the time to help the conservancy.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • You will not get more than 3 additional emails per month from Ol Pejeta asking your views
  • You can unsubscribe at any time from this panel
  • You are under no obligations to answer any questions or surveys
  • Your answers will be entirely confidential and you will not be held to them in any way
  • The answers from these tests and surveys will help us decide what projects we work on and in what way
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Ol Pejeta is a non-profit wildlife conservancy in Kenya supporting endangered species, tourism and community outreach.

T: +254 (0) 707 187 141

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© 2014 Ol Pejeta Conservancy