One in a hundred: another Sumatran rhino calf is born

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It’s a GIRL!

It is a joyous time for rhinos. Ratu has given birth to a beautiful baby girl, weighing 20 kg! Although this is just one new calf, with Sumatran rhino numbers so low – there are fewer than 100 left on the planet – this represents a real boost to Sumatran rhino populations. We need to make sure this brand new rhino grows up to be fit and healthy, and kept safe, so we need your help!

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New baby Rhino born! The early hours of 12 May…

Ratu had been restless in the days running up to the birth and was seen stretching on multiple occasions on Wednesday 11 May. The calf was finally born at 04:42 on Thursday 12 May. The latter stages of the delivery took just 4 minutes and you can watch this in the video below. The whole delivery went without any complications and, according to head veterinarian, Dr Zulfi Arsan, the baby appears healthy and active, able to stand within an hour of the birth.

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Ratu Giving Birth
watch Ratu stretching and giving birth >

Meet the rhino family

This new calf will be welcomed into a family of Sumatran rhinos, with her mother Ratu, father Andalas, brother Andatu and uncle Harapan all living at the Sanctuary. To meet the whole family, and friends Bina and Rosa, click here.

meet the family >
How you can help!

Please join us in marking this momentous occasion. A new Sumatran rhino is not to be sniffed at – though we’d love to stick our noses into that fur! With fewer than 100 left in the world, it’s vital that we give this new baby rhino the best start in life. We need help to provide more food so that Ratu can produce enough milk, medical supplies to keep mum and baby healthy, and a new CCTV system to keep an eye on mother and baby without getting in their way during this time of bonding.

Baby foodBaby food
Maternity penMaternity pen
Medical suppliesMedical supplies
Radio systemRadio system
Help our baby rhino fund >
With thanks to Twogether Creative Ltd for their pro bono support with this campaign –
