#PangolinSafaris give you 5 great reasons to stay positive these days


Bizarre…. it’s all quite bizarre!

Just two weeks ago Guts, Janine, Leanne and I were all excited about travelling to Europe for a series of travel shows. With our phones ringing off the hook in the Cape Town office for new safari enquiries, we could not have predicted where we are now … a fortnight later slightly stunned and if I’m honest a little bit bemused as to how this got so crazy so quickly. But as Guts always says from his army days…

’Panic is not an option!’

So, with everyone currently sending out emails talking about contingencies, hygiene, isolation and general doom and gloom, we thought we would buck the trend (in true Pangolin style) and bring some needed optimism to your inbox instead.

So here are our 5 great reasons to stay positive in these challenging times!

(This is The Big One!) We will get through this! The world will recover and learn from this experience and be stronger … and I hope more united from this truly global experience.

The stock markets will recover. They always do!
It may take time, but they will.

Governments, one and all, are demonstrating the willingness not to risk the lives of their citizens for short term political or financial gain. In fact, in the case of Botswana and Namibia, they are actively helping the tourism sector, as it is such a crucial source of GDP and local employment. Kudos to them!

Nearly 100% of the clients travelling this year with us, whom we have contacted so far, have agreed to defer travel rather than cancel their safari. We have clients from all over the world so that leads me to believe that I am not the only optimist in the world right now!

When this is finally over the first people to be able to travel to Africa experience ‘the safari’ as it was decades ago. Free from crowds and with amazing "once in a generation" special pricing as the lodges and camps entice you back!

And … here is a bonus reason.

What we really needed was a high profile person to get Covid-19 and recover in a matter of days … so Mr Tom Hanks and your wife Rita, we thank you (even more than Private Ryan did) for doing just that!

Instead of resting on our laurels here at Pangolin, we are planning for the post ‘corona’ safari season to begin. We are building new safari packages and itineraries for you to enjoy. We are keeping our Cape Town reservations and admin staff happy and healthy, by working from the safety of their homes. In The Chobe, our staff are taking good care of our existing clients who are still on safari. We are getting the hotel and the houseboat spic and span for the moment the travel ban is lifted, to welcome you on a well-deserved holiday!

Keep safe everybody … and we will see you soon again on safari!

Self-isolating? Stuck at home? Bored yet?

Over the coming months, we are going to be publishing tonnes of amazing video content onto our YouTube Channel including:

• Video tips and sightings straight from The Chobe
• Camera Gear Reviews
• Lightroom courses and tutorials
• General entertainment to get you through the boredom

So don’t delay. Click below to subscribe to our channel, for free, today! Enjoy!