Papa ante portas … the Pope is coming to Kenya (and Uganda for that matter)

In part two of her week opening salvo does Lillian take aim at the upcoming visit of Pope Francis to Kenya and Uganda.
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Six Top Highlights of Pope Francis Visit to Kenya

Pope Francis in Sarajevo-June,2015. image by

With Pope Francis scheduled to visit the country between 25th to 27th November, preparations are now in high gear if not overdrive to get ready to hosting this second high profile visitor in the space of months after President Obama. Pope Francis’s visit is seen as both a state and pastoral visit that will see him celebrate mass with the faithful, address the diplomatic community, hold talks with the president as well as meet, interact and offer indelible words of wisdom to the youth. Lillian Gaitho has listed some of the highlights from the Papal itinerary that is expected to attract more than a million pilgrims into the country from across East Africa before the trek continues into neighbouring Uganda, the last country on the Papal visiting schedule.

The National Address

The Pope is expected to address the nation on the first day of his visit. Pope Francis has been voted as the most popular person as well as Person of the Year by a couple of leading publications such as Time Magazine. Popularly referred to as the man of the people Pope Francis has transcended the pomp of the papacy to fit in with his flock. Just like the Saint Francis of Assisi was adored for his humility, the Pope has a following definitely eager for his message. He will be received by Cardinal Njue and President Uhuru Kenyatta at the Jomo Kenyatta International airport.

Talks with President Uhuru Kenyatta

Kenyatta will be playing host to Pope Francis. Sources have it that among the agenda at hand, the Pope’s key message on climate change is a priority. This discussion will come in handy; at a time when Kenya is up against time on El Nino preparedness. More on the list include talks on religious tolerance in the country as well as peace, poverty eradication and inclusivity.

The 1 000,000+ Celebration of Mass at Uhuru Park

A section of Uhuru Park, image by

Uhuru Park is the city’s de facto holding grounds for open-air events and a key venue during this visit. Pope Francis is expected to celebrate a mass on the 26th of November that will attract more than a million of vetted and verified congregants chosen from the country’s apostolic centers as well as institutions and congregational centers.

Inter-Religious Meeting

image by

Very much in line with his character, Pope Francis is set to address an inter-religious gathering in the Nuncio’s, the Vatican representative, residence. Scheduled for this Papal convention are key religious leaders from different faiths and religions intent on pushing for respect to humanity and coexistence. Since his election as head of Vatican, Pope Francis has been known to foster religious tolerance in all his messages and communication.

Pope Visits Kangemi Slums

Kangemi Slums, image by https://mandzgonewalkabout

He went on record as the first to turn down the papal palace for ordinary living in the Vatican residence with the rest of his cardinals. Again, the Pope popularly known for his who am I to judge attitude has from time to time exhibited extraordinary acts of piety through dining with the poor, embracing the suffering as well as housing the desolate. This time, the Pope will pay a visit to St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Community Center in Nairobi’s third biggest slum Kangemi. He is expected to interact with the residents as well as inspect some of the church’s community projects.

Youth Address at Kasarani Safaricom Stadium

And just before he waves his zucchetto in farewell on his way to Uganda, the Pope will share a few words of wisdom with about 200,000 youth at the Kasarani Safaricom Stadium on the third and final day of his visit. Although his bulletin for the event is not clear, it’s likely that he will be seeking to address such issues as unity, tolerance and respect for humanity; all important issues following the recent string of terrorist attacks in the country.

Karibu East Africa Pope Francis …