Porini Camps News Updates

Dear ATCNews Readers,
Keep Calm and Carry On Planning Your Next Safari!

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused disruption across the world as different governments take urgent action to try to limit the spread of the disease in their own countries. This has had a massive impact on global travel and tourism with huge numbers of people having to shelve their vacation plans but it appears that many of us are still hoping to travel as soon as the present extraordinary situation ends.

At this very difficult time for so many people all over the world, we sincerely hope that all our friends and our many loyal customers will stay safe and well and that the pandemic comes to an end before long.

The latest research shows that it is countries in northern latitudes from China and other parts of Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America that seem to have been worst affected to date. But if the situation in China and South Korea is anything to go by and is repeated elsewhere, it seems likely that following a period of rapidly escalating infection rates, after reaching a peak the level of new cases should start to tail off and then things slowly begin returning to normal.

Here in Kenya, like most places in the equatorial zone, so far we have had very few cases of the virus reported and the government has taken immediate steps to try to avert any further spread with a temporary 30 day international flights restriction imposed from 25th March to prevent travellers flying in from any countries where the virus has been reported.

The Kenya government has also introduced a number of other measures to prevent or limit the spread of the virus into the country in addition to suspending flights, such as quarantine of arriving passengers, testing anyone with a temperature or flu symptoms as well as public education measures to promote hygiene, hand-washing and social distancing. In addition, the Kenya government has acted quickly to set up special well-equipped isolation units in treatment centres in Nairobi and elsewhere, following WHO recommended procedures, to look after anyone who might in future be suspected of having contracted the virus.

All our customers from overseas have now completed their safaris in Kenya and returned home. Our Porini Camps close annually during the rainy season in April / May and we are now taking new bookings for international travellers from overseas for our safaris in East Africa for arrivals into Kenya starting from the first week of June 2020 and onward.

We will monitor the situation in the other countries in Africa where we arrange safaris to provide further advice in case there is any need to arrange postponements of trips already booked in the weeks ahead.

Although there are temporary travel restrictions in place right now, there is no need to halt your safari planning completely as we have introduced a new Flexi-Booking Policy bringing very flexible booking terms and conditions for clients booking now for future travel in the months ahead.

Our new No Amendment Fee Guarantee means that those making a booking for a 2020 safari can later choose to postpone their travel for up to 12 months if there are still concerns about Coronavirus and any deposits or pre-payments will be carried forward as a travel credit to be used for a later travel date with no amendment fee being charged.

Clients are now "getting ahead of the pack" to plan and book their safari for later on this year or for next year and are taking advantage of some very special discounts on their international flights and accommodation.

Find out more: Flexi-Booking Policy …

In Other News …

If you’d like a break from the continual news updates about COVID-19, then read on to find out what has been happening in and around our conservancies in the past few weeks!

Here in Kenya, the conservancies and parks have been teeming with animals and guests at our Porini Safari Camps in particular have had some wonderful wildlife-viewing.

Our guests have been sharing photos taken on the daily game-drives and guided walks. These beautiful images are by Eric Albright from his stay at Porini Lion Camp and Porini Amboseli Camp.

Kristy Thomson, one of our expert Safari Consultants, also recently visited the Porini Camps. At Porini Rhino Camp in Ol Pejeta Conservancy she made good use of the photography hide which overlooks the watering hole right in front of camp.
And she noted that Ol Pejeta is currently teeming with babies of many species …
Rangers Help Injured Elephant

Our Ol Kinyei Conservancy rangers patrol team, the Kenya Wildlife Service and Mara Elephant Project recently joined forces to save an injured elephant that had sought shelter in one of our conservancies in the Masai Mara.


The bull elephant had sustained injuries from conflict with farmers outside of the conservancy, then had wandered in to the protected habitat where the wildlife veterinarian was able to help him and his wounds were treated.

See the full story and videos in our latest blog: Saving an Injured Elephant …

Remembering Cheetahs Project

We are delighted to be supporting the Remembering Cheetahs project – a campaign to raise awareness of the plight facing cheetahs and also to raise funds to protect them.


Cheetahs are classed as a vulnerable species as the wild population diminished, mainly due to decades of habitat loss. Our wildlife conservancies are providing protected areas of land where cheetahs and many other species are now thriving, but there is still much work to be done to help numbers return to their former level in other locations.

We hope that our donation of a 3 night safari at Porini Amboseli Camp will help raise much needed funds for this important project.

Find out more: Remembering Cheetahs (opens in Facebook)

Mad Hatters Festival 2020

As well as an update from the bush, we thought you’d enjoy this entertaining update from the beach.

The 6th Mad Hatters Festival was held in Lamu, Kenya in February 2020. 143 elaborately-decorated participants gathered on Peponi Beach, Shela, to compete for prizes for the best hats. As ever it was a fun and friendly day with a fabulous atmosphere of crazy creativity.

The competition entries included giant birds, sea creatures, buildings, furniture and musical instruments. See some of the other entries here on our web site.


Kenya’s coast is on the Indian Ocean and it has some beautiful white sand beaches, ideal for relaxing at the end of a safari adventure.

We can arrange transport between safari areas and the coast, and we offer a good choice of accommodation including hotels, boutique lodges and beach houses in a choice of resorts.

Find out more: Kenya Beach Resorts …

If you have not yet finalised plans for your next safari then do get in touch using our online contact form or simply hit reply to this email and let us know how we can assist.

This month I visited all our camps and had the pleasure of meeting many of our guests before the last international visitors flew home last Sunday following the government’s temporary suspension of international tourism as a precaution against the Pandemic. All our guests from overseas as well as Kenyan residents seemed to be enjoying the peace and tranquility of being close to nature and surrounded by wildlife at our Porini Camps. We are planning to open again for international visitors from June. They will find the conservancies in great shape after the recent rains, with lush vegetation and teeming wildlife.

We hope that you and your family stay safe and well over the coming weeks during these worrying times. And once things are back to normal we would be delighted to welcome you on an East African safari to refresh the spirit by getting close to nature to enjoy watching our wonderful wildlife!

Best wishes,

Mohanjeet Brar

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Dr Mohanjeet Brar (PhD)
Managing Director
Gamewatchers Safaris | Porini Safari Camps | Gamewatchers Adventure Camps |
Nairobi Tented Camp | Rhino River Camp – Meru |

P.S. The huge variety of different wildlife species that can be seen in East Africa is quite amazing, and you can follow this link to access our Guide to Mammals which lists all those that I have seen personally on wildlife viewing drives from our own Porini Camps. I hope that you will find it interesting!