Precision Air signs codeshare with Air Uganda for DAR – JRO – EBB


(Posted 21st January 2014)

Information was received yesterday that Precision Air and Air Uganda have signed a code share deal, which will see the two airlines book and sell each others’ tickets and widen the choice of departures and destinations for both carriers. Passengers can now expect to fly on one ticket to and from Dar es Salaam, or Kilimanjaro, irrespective of which airline will actually operate the respective flight, effectively offering both airlines a double daily connection between Tanzania’s commercial capital of Dar es Salaam and Uganda’s gateway Entebbe.

No comments were available from Precision Air following the departure of Linda Chizi who until the end of last year served in a senior capacity at Precision taking care of branding and to a good part PR too. Linda moved on to Smile Communications Tanzania it is understood, a company providing at present the fastest 4GLTE internet broad band connections anywhere in Tanzania and Uganda.

It could also not be established in time for filing this report if the code share has been extended to other Precision Air destinations like Zanzibar, Mtwara, Mwanza and Mbuya among others and if Precision in turn will have access to Air Uganda flights beyond Entebbe such as Kigali or Juba.

Watch this space for breaking and regular aviation news from the Eastern African region.