President Michel announces changes to his cabinet but leaves the tourism portfolio untouched


(Posted 26th January 2015)

Seychelles – Another World’ earlier today gained an added meaning when President James Alix Michel, as he announced a reshuffle of his government, added Climate Change to the portfolio of Environment and Energy, with the Ministerial post held by Didier Dogley.

The move goes a long way in translating into action President Michel’s personal conviction about the need to combat climate change NOW on a global scale, as he leaves no opportunity to go to waste to drive home the message, that in particular small island states now face a clear and present danger as ice caps melt and ocean levels rise.

There has been no change in the Ministry for Tourism and Culture, where Minister Alain St. Ange, and his team of Principal Secretaries and CEO of state corporations all remain in place.

The full new cabinet lineup is shown below and will become effective on the 01st of February:

1. Minister of Community Development, Social Affairs & Sports and Designated Minister, Vincent Mériton

2. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Transport, Joël Morgan

3. Minister of Education, Macsuzy Mondon

4. Minister of Finance, Trade & The Blue Economy, Jean-Paul Adam

5. Minister of Health, Mitcy Larue

6. Minister of Tourism & Culture, Alain St Ange

7. Minister of Land Use & Housing, Christian Lionnet

8. Minister of Labour and Human Resources Development, Idith Alexander

9. Minister of Home Affairs, Charles Bastienne

10. Minister of Environment, Energy & Climate Change, Didier Dogley

11. Minister of Investment, Entrepreneurship Development & Business Innovation, Michael Benstrong

12. Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Wallace Cosgrow

Moving from Home Affairs to Foreign Affairs is Minister Joel Morgan, who however takes with him the portfolio of transport and retains his position as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Air Seychelles.

Minister Jean Paul Adam moves from Foreign Affairs to Finance, Trade and The Blue Economy, where one of his early tasks will be to engage with the tourism private sector, through the Seychelles Hospitality and Tourism Association and the Seychelles Chamber of Commerce and Industry and try resolve the present impasse over fundamental differences expressed in recent weeks vis a vis the facilitation and creating an enabling business environment after the 2015 national budget met with a range of objections by the country’s backbone industry.

In the new structure of government does the President retain the portfolio for Defence, Legal Affairs, Information and Hydrocarbons while Vice-President Danny Faure retains the portfolio for Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Youth and Public Administration. He has, in addition, been entrusted with the responsibility for Civil Society, including relations with religious denominations and organisations.

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